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One of the hardest things to do is to try and incorporate Wicca into your everyday life. Wicca is an interesting religion because it usually involves a complete lifestyle change... not only a religious change. Most Pagans look at people and the world in a different light. You start to realize that your actions not only affect you, but the world around you. Once you come to this realization you want to begin to incorporate your religious choices in everything you do... but where do you begin??

In Scott Cunningham's book Living Wicca, he writes of ten easy things you can do to incorporate Wicca into your everyday life. His whole book is geared toward making Wicca a lifestyle and not just your religion. Here are the ten things...

  • Honour the God and Goddess daily either through prayer or offerings

  • Write in your Book of Shadows - it doesn't always have to spells or rituals, you can just write about your day if you want to

  • Gardening

  • Meditate daily - this is an important one to help with your visualization techniques and also to help relax your mind and body

  • Take a walk

  • Work with one of your divination tools

  • Chat with other Pagans/Wiccans - remember that this doesn't always have to be in person (the Internet is a wonderful thing)

  • Write or read new chants, rituals, spells or poetry

  • Listen to Pagan music - I personally think any music will do... music cleanses the soul

  • Make a herbal satchel

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