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Everyone can practice yoga. It doesn't matter how old, tall, pretty, skinny (or not) you are... it is perfect for everyone. Yoga is a great way to strenghten your muscles, increase your flexibility while learning how to relax and enjoy life. You can even incorporate different areas of spirituality and religion into your practice if you want.

One thing I do recommend is using a tape. They are fairly easy to find, either in VHS or DVD format. Why you ask? Classes are great, once you've figured out if you like yoga. They are expensive and can be a waste of money if you aren't ever going to go. The tape I recommend (especially for beginners) is "The Basic Yoga Workout for Dummies". It is just fabulous... Once you have mastered the basics, you can move onto classes or more advanced tapes!

Ten Reasons To Practice Yoga

1. A nice, toned body

2. Refresh your kidneys (with increased oxygen)

3. Help you sleep better

4. Heal thyself

5. Improve your posture

6. Reduce stress in your life

7. Helps improve self confidence

8. Helps you to understand your body better

9. Awaken every cell in your body!

10. Helps you concentrate on the now

Here are some links to great Yoga sites. You will find that most of them won't give you a list and description of all the postures. This is usually because they are difficult to do without having someone show you. Just remember to be careful and to take it slowly. We all know how easy it is to hurt yourself (especially at something that is new to you!). Good luck and have fun!

Roots & Wings

The Yoga Site

YREC: Yoga Research and Education Center


SpiritWeb: Yoga Paths

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