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I don't want to sound like jack ass here, but just in case you didn't know, BOS is shortform for Book of Shadows. It was a while before I knew what the letters B-O-S were short for :-)

For some crazy reason, people think that a Book of Shadows is some mystical dusty old book that has all the answers to every question ever asked. I hate to disappoint, but that's not always the case. My BOS is actually a set of disks... I call it my Disk of Shadows (DOS). I have a paper copy too, just in case my computer blows up, which, with IBM is highly likely.

For Starters...

So what do you put in your very own BOS? Anything you want. It's there for record purposes. I have my rituals, spells, journal entries, research information, chants and poetry in there. Heck, I even think I have a few recepies in there too. Think of your BOS as an extension of your mind and body. As you grow spiritual, it should as well.

I do have one warning. Many people seem to add to their BOS in phases; I'll admit that I do. I'll go weeks without even touching it and then all of a sudden I'll have 25 new pages. It's perfectly normal, don't worry. Winter seems to be the trouble months, the time when people simply feel blah.

Paper or Plastic??

The next question is, "Silver, what should I use??" Take my advice... use a binder. I started with a nice little notebook that had stars all over the cover. Pretty thing, too bad I couldn't keep in any kind of order. Whenever you add to it, you have no choice but to add on the blank pages. It also makes for difficult removal of pages for spells or lending purposes. Binder pages are easy to remove and add. You can even use a floppy disk or CD if you want. It doesn't matter what you use... as long as you have one.

Hand Cramps

Some people feel that you need to handwrite everything. I just don't agree with that. Typing, for some people is faster and easier to read. With the way society is going, why shouldn't us Pagans keep up with the times. Mine is on a disk and if someone doesn't like it, well... it's not there's :-) Anyway, with all the writing I have to do in school right now, who wants to write in your BOS too?

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