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Full name: Lana Mariah

Lana is the Sorceress of Light

Lana is able to change color around, to sense when another sorcerer or sorceress is around, and to change anything that has to do with light, and zap from one place to another.

Lana's :too young for her own good, friendly, shy, a know-it-all, sometimes outgoing.

physical description: 5'4, dark, short brown hair, dark brown eyes, strong, thin, and all around nicely built.

Lana has a brother, Eli, and a sister, Zirconia, both older then her. She's 11 years old when the story begins, 14 when it ends. Her best friend is Zac Hanson. She doesn't have a boyfriend, and it doesn't matter to her if she does or not.

Motto: "Live like every day's your lasy, because it just might be."

Favorites: Favorite thing to do is to hang out with Zac, play practical jokes, whine, and make everyone else's life hell.


That's Zac's motto

About the real Lana: I was born in early 1986, and I'm 14. I've had numerous boyfriends, none of them Zac Hanson. If I did, my bestfriend would probably kill me... I start highschool in fall of 2000. I'm on the net a little too much, and I love to talk to posers... Know any good ones? I'm usually a bitch to people I don't like/mad at, ask Brian.

Not the best picture of me... I'm the one with the Superman shirt on. Taken in April of 2000, with my brothers and bestfriend. Keep in mind, it was 5 AM and I had gotten about 2 hours of sleep the night before. Like my "Get the Hell away from me" look?

