The story:
Twitch confronts the mysterious "udaku" killer in the sewers. They fight for a few panels, and Twitch
loses his glasses (again). However, Twitch demonstrates that he is still the expert marksman, and shoots the killer
in the stomach, while his eyes were closed. After he got shot, the "udaku" killer distentigrated, leaving
only his hat and his coat as evidence that he was ever there. Sam hears the gunshots, and comes to Twitch's aid.
He mistakes Twitch for the killer, and shoots him. Outside of the pawn store, Sam is hassled by his fellow cops,
who are setting him up as the killer. Sam and Twitch realizes that the other cops are "fucking" with
them, and are very frustrated. (I would be too.) Twitch goes to the
station, and learns that Dr. McRory is being fired for helping Sam and Twitch. While Sam waits outside, he is visited
by a member of the Sangiacomo crime family. He tells Sam who is responsible for them having a hard time, and S&T
quickly go to confront the author of their troubles. Barbara Rodrigez, I.A., tells them that the reason they were
manipulated because they were the only ones who could bring in the "udaku" killers. Sam and Twitch agree
to do this, in exchange for them being left alone.
My Opinion:
I really loved this issue. My favorite page was the last one. I laughed out loud when Sam got to their third request,
and stuck out his middle finger at the I.A. It's good to see S&T take charge of the situation. The art is top
notch, as always. And somehow, every month, Brian Bendis shows us that it's possible to improve on perfection,
which is exactly what he's doing with every Sam and Twitch issue. The colors are getting way better. Though the
book doesn't lose it's "dark, moody" feel, the colorist is starting to use a little bit lighter colors
than normal, which I am thankful for. The lack of word balloons is brilliant, because I've always thought that
word balloons take away from the art.
My ranking :
10 out of 10. A perfect book!
Ian Mobley
a.k.a. "Sam and Twitch"