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Behold the Arthur
as he stands before thee in his active socks

Nay, methinks twas not always so.
Time once was when Arthur's socks
were as inactive as everybody else's.

It all started on the day he took to
jogging in shiny training shoes.
"Faster, Faster" he would shout down to them
as he ran through the meadows.

Twas a surprising day when,
as he proceeded at break neck pace,
his training shoes
suddenly came to an abrupt stop.

'We are so tired",
said one of them,
"Of your incessant shouting
- Faster, Faster -
No more shall we concede to your demands. I
t is not we who slow thee down,
but your inactive socks"

Arthur apologized profusely.
"But what can I do?"

Later that night, Arthur stood in front of his mirror
And clicked his heels.

'I wish. I wish. I wish"

Next day, while out jogging,
people were surprised
to see a new vigor in his steps.

"Why such acceleration?"
asked a passer by.

Arthur just smiled and said,
"Active Socks"

Time once was when Arthur's socks were as inactive
as everybody else's.

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