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Debbie's Famous Candles

Magical Candles

They aren't pretty. They are lumpy,bumpy and not meant to be displayed on the dining room table. BUT, they do WORK!!
The candles, created by Debbie, are from an ages old tradition handed down to her, chosen as the one to make these vibrational "tools" at this time. This tradition was handed down man to woman to man to woman and so on. When it is time, she will choose a man to continue the making of the candles.
Working in the white light, these candles use vibrational frequencies that draw to you the things you, love, or health. Obeying the "laws of compensation", no harm to none, aganist noone's freewill, asking for these things joyfully and painlessly, the Universe will provide for you in abundance.
Our three dimensional world is full of vibrational frequencies, from voices singing, to molecules rubbing together, to electricity humming in the wires overhead. When you see a dollar bill, you think money. When you smell certain herbs burning, it smells like old money. Two very different vibrations bringing the same subject into focus. There are many frequencies to work with, some of which are, color, gems and crystals, astrology, alchemy, symbols, and herbs. Debbie's Famous Candles makes use of these frequencies, and with YOUR pinpoint concentration you can draw these things to you in your life NOW!
Complete instructions included with each candle
Stock fluctuates as the moon cycles only last certain time.
Candles are $20.00 Plus Shipping & Handling

1-800-484-5283 Ext # 8488
Phone will be answered with a different company name, be sure to tell us you are an internet caller and what product you are interested in. If this number is busy call the number below.
(304) 755-4185


" I got an unexpected check for $1400.00 after burning Debbie's Money Candle. " Dee Chas. W.V.

" I found a hundred dollar bill in a parking lot after I had burned the money candle only once. " Phil Nitro W.V.

" Can I get a dozen? " Tina So.Point O.H.

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