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Aromatherapy For Babies
If you have a baby or are pregnant, I am sure you have heard of the benefits of aromatherpy for your baby. Babies love new scents and they also love to touched!! Massage is a wonderful way for new parents to create a bond with their baby. Below, I have listed some helpful information to help you begin to give your baby a massage, of couse, you should consult your doctor before using these popular tecniques. And please don't use oils to treat medical conditions.

Essential oils are to be used in low diluions for aromamassages as well as baths. Babies should NEVER be given essential oils internally. The proper dilutions are listed below.
*Babies (0-2 months)- 1 drop per 15 ml carrier oil in a massage; 1 drop in the bath.
*Babies (2-12 months)- 1 drop per 10 ml carrier oil in a bath; 1 drop in the bath.
Carrier oils, which are sometimes refered to as base or fixed oils should always be used when you use essential oils on your baby. Essential oils are highly concentrated in their pure state, and they should NOT be used undiluted directly on the skin. The carrier oil chosen should be cold pressed. Do not use oils such as mineral oil, commerical baby oil, or vegtable oil. You should chose your carrier oil very carefully, it is the largest part of a massage blend. Some common carrier oils are listed below:
1.Sweet Amond Oil- probably the most commonly used carrier oil. Note:Bitter almond oil which is highly toxic should NEVER be used for aromatherapy purposes.
2.Apricot Oil- Somewhat expensive, but suitable for all types of skin. Note: Trust your supplier before buying this one, some may try to sell sweet almond oil as apricote kernal or peach kernal oil.
3.Calendula Oil- this oil has many uses in itself. Its renowned for it's anti-inflammatory, healing, and soothing properties, and is quite beneficial for skin disorders. Some of it's other uses include: varicose veins, broken veins, leg ulcers, bed sores, dry ecezema, scars, bruises, and can also be used to soothe cracked nipples in nursing mothers. It is however, one of the more expensive carrier oils.
4.Grapeseed Oil- This oil is produced by hot extraction, but is very popular in the use of aromatherapy. It is colourless, and orderless, and contains Vitamin E. Ofcoures, it's your choice, I do not recommend that you use this on you baby for this particular purpose.
5.Wheatgerm Oil- Very good oil to use. It contains many nourishing vitamins, including, Vitamin E, protien, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, & B6, zinc, iron, potassium, sulphur, phosphorus, and linolic acid. Its also an antioxidant, which prevents your oil blend from becoming rancid.This oil is awesome for preventing strech marks! Note: Do Not use in high dilution on those who have a wheat allergy.

It is vital to use only high quality pure essential oils for optimum results. Essential oils are precious, and should be treated with respect and careful care. They can be damaged by ultraviolet light. Your oils should be stored in amber coloured glass bottles, if you keep your oils in blue bottles then they should be kept in the dark. Never decant your oils into clear glass or plasic bottles. Never place oils in the direct sunlight. Oils do not like exteme temperatures, they are highly volatile, meaning they evaporate rapidly. Remember to replace your caps tightly when oils are not in use.

Below, I have listed some useful information about performing aromatherapy.
Colic- Although my son has never suffered this, many parents do, this may be helpful in providing your baby, as well as yourself some relief. 1 drop of ROMAN CHAMOMILE, or 1 drop of DILL, or 1 drop of MANDARIN, add 1 drop of whatever you chose to 15 ml of carrier oil. Massage gently into the babies abdomen. If this doesn't work, and your baby continues to cry, try a compress of ROMAN CHAMOMILE. Add 1 drop to a small amount of water in a bowl Stir well and soak a piece of cloth in the solution. Place the cloth on the babies abdomen. Personal Note: When my son was born, we bought him a stuffed animal called "The Mommy Bear", it plays the actual sounds of what baby hears while in the womb. It is a very comforting sound that reminds them very much of being in the womb.Many parents have said this too can be helpful for babies surfering from colic.

Coughs & Colds/Stuffy Noses- When your baby has a cold or stuffy nose, sleep can be quite difficult. Aromatheraphy is a great way of preventing babies from picking up colds. If someone in your home has a cold, try using TEA TREE, EUCALYPTUS, and CAJEPUT in a burning pot in your babies room. You can use a small pot that you use for burning potpourri. One drop of LAVENDAR on a small piece of cotton placed at the bottom of the crib or bassinet will also help baby breathe and sleep easier. You can also place a bowl of boiling water under the crib with 1 drop of CAJEPUT/MYRTLE and 1 drop of TEA TREE. You you do this, make sure your baby can not get near the boiling water, severe burning can result if you are not careful.

Cradle Cap- If your baby gets cradle cap, it can be very annoying, and sometimes seem difficult to cure. GERANIUM is a great oil for curing this. Add 1 drop of GERANIUM to 15 ml of sweet almond oil and massage gently onto the scalp. This mixture should be used daily until the cradle cap subsides.

Insomnia/restlessness- Babies need to learn to develop good sleeping habits. Some babies may have their days and nights mixed up. To help babies establish a good pattern put 1 drop of LAVENDER and 1 drop of ROMAN CHAMOMILE into a diffuser or vapouriser and light or switch it on about a half an hour before bed time, make sure to close the door, this will ensure the room, and only that room gets the effects.

Diaper Rash/Nappy Rash- Diaper rashes can be quite uncomfortable for your baby, but is very common.Essential oils can prevent and treat rashes very well though. When changing your baby, avoid using scented wipes, instead use unscented wipe. Add 1 drop of ROMAN CHAMOMILE, LAVENDER, or YARROW to one pint of water, agitateing well. Also, try adding making your own skin creams. Adding the above oils to pure zinc or castrol oil cream can make a very effective organic pure cream.

Teething- This is something that we are going through right now. Teething begins for most babies around four to six months. Teething can be very painful, and can cause them, and you to lose sleep. ROMAN CHAMOMILE, LAVENDER, and YARROW are the three best oils for teething. Put 1 drop of any of the oils into an egg cup full of carrier oil. Stir the mixture well. Using your finger, or a cotton bud massage babies gums and also massage externally on the affected side of the face.

There are many different ways to use Aromatherapy, make sure you use the purest oils possible, and use them correctly. They can provide you with a safe, and natural alternative to using chemicals that are in many medications. Be sure to contact your doctor before using the tecniques descibed above, you can also contact a qualified aromaterapist for additional help, or questions. There are many books that are full of information on learning about essential oils. A wonderful book that has many more uses is "Aromatherapy" by Denise Whichello Brown B.Sc.,D.O. Some of the information above is taken from her book.

I am listing a few sites that sell Essential Oils, to help aid you in giving your baby massages
The Essential Oil Company, nice selection

This is a really nice site, they sell Oil Blends made just for pregnancy related problems, such as strech marks, they also have Oil blends made just for Newborn massages, go to the bottom of the page, click on Mother & Baby for this information

Free Essential Oil, 1/2oz bottle, Not a sample, Must pay 3.50 for the S&H, but you can chose any Oil you want, Good deal

"How Men Change"
Number One
As a Lover...
Brings you champagne in bed
As a Husband...
Brings you coffee in Bed.
As a Father...
Brings you the Baby

Number Two
As a Lover...
Wakes you in the middle of the night to make love.
As a Husband...
Wakes you up in the morning to make love.
As a Father...
Lets you sleep.

Number Three
As a Lover...
Kisses your feet.
As a Husband...
Kisses you cheek.
As a Father...
Kisses the Baby.

Number Four
As a Lover...
Buys you a blace lace thong
As a Husband...
Buys you a white lace negligee.
As a Father...
Buys you a pink flannel nightgown

Number Five
As a Lover...
Calls you Baby
As a Husband...
Calls you Honey.
As a Father...
Calls you Mommy.

Number Six
As a Lover...
Always wants sex.
As a Husband...
Always wants sex.
As a Father...
Always wants sex but doesn't necessarily think he's going to get it.

Number Seven
As a Lover...
Loves you madly.
As a Husband...
Loves you deeply.
As a Father...
Loves you more than he ever has before.

Important Information on Immunizations...

Immunizations are quite important to not only your child, but to the health of the community. Unvaccinated people are a potential magnet for infection and can transmit diseases to babies who didn't respond to their shots, kids who have missed a few shots, and those who can't be vaccinated because of their medical history. Getting your baby vaccinated, and on time is very important. There is a lot of misinformation, but talk to your babies pediatrician, the proper information can be provided to you. Below I am listing all the vaccinations your child needs, as well as the age he or she needs it by. I am also providing some additional helpful information, please talk to you doctor if you have ant questions.

Vaccines & When they are given

1.DtaP, for diphtheria tetanus and pertussis (whopping cough)-
Your child will recieve a total of five doses, at ages 2,3, and 4 months; and finally between 4 and 6 years. Boosters are given throughout life.
2.IVP, for Polio-
Expect your child to get a total of four doses; one at 2 months, one at 4 months, one between 6 and 18 months, and one between 4 and 6 years.
3.MMR, for measles, mumps,and rubella (German Measles)-
The pediatrician will give two doses, the first between 12 and 15 months and the booster shot between 4 and 6 years.
4.Hep B, for hepatitis B-
Your baby should have a total of three shots, the first before 2 months and the other two before 18 months.
5.Hib, for Haemophilus Influenzae, type B-
Your child will be given four doses, at ages 2, 4, and 6 months; then between 12 and 15 months.
6.Var, for varicella (chicken pox)-
This vaccination only requires one dose, between 12 and 18 months.
*(somewhat new)*7.Pneumococcal-
This shot is expected to become standard this year. Doctors will likely give four doses, the first between 12 and 15 months, the rest at ages 2, 4, and 6.

So, are there risks and side affects involved in vaccinations? Listed below is some information that may be inforative to you about this issue:

- Low-grade Fever & Pain, try using acetaminophen (Tylenol)
-The Hepatitis B vaccine contains yeast, so any child with a known allergy to baker's yeast should avoid it.
-Kids with allergy's to eggs, gelatin, or neomycin (an antibiotic) should steer claer of the MMR vaccine.
-Children with health problems such as seizure disorders, immune disficiecies, or neurological problems should be especially carful of any vaccines.
-Not having the DTap vaccine can be life threating. It prevents pertussis (whopping cough). Pertussis can be quite serious, it can cause pneumonia and seizures.
-Var is the vaccine used to prevent varicella (chicken pox). Even though most children make it through chicken pox with only minor discomforts, one out of a thousand children develops severe pneumonia and encephalitis (an infection of the brain)
-Make sure to consult your pediatrician if you have any questions or concerns, they are there to help you! In the mean time, educate yourself about vaccines, the more you know, the better you will feel when your child needs them. Also remember that most schools require that your child has all their vaccines before entering school, WIC (womens, infants, & Childrens) also require your child to be up to date.

Is your lack of insurance holding you back for getting your child the proper vaccines? Check with your local health department, most gives shots about once a week for a very small fee (usually between 3-5 dollars), some also gives free shots.

What is Aromatherapy?
Aromatherapy is the art of using the energy, power, and vibration of fragrances to enhance ones life in the most natural way. Fragrances have been utilized since ancient times to promote harmony of the mind, body, and soul. Aromatherapy can be practiced to assist in stress relief, improve sleep, increase energy levels, and promote happiness, love prosperity, protection, peace, and psychic awareness. Use simply as a body fragrance, add to your bath, put a few drops on a handkerchief, towel or cotton ball, or diffuse around your house. Certain scents can promote feelings that you are trying to obtain, listed below are some suggestions of scents to use:

Coconut: Promotes Happiness, Joy, Energy, & Love
Frankincense & Myrrath: Promotes Spirital, Health, & Meditiation
Rose: Promotes Love, Peace, Joy, Happiness, & Beauty
Herbal: Promotes Conscious Mind, Awarness
Jasmine: Promotes Love, Peace, Aphrodisiac
Lavender:Promotes Sleep, Peace, Calm, & Health
Lemon Grass: Promotes Psychic awareness, Purification
Musk (Egyptian): Promotes Calm, Peaceful, & Tranquility
Musk (Oriental): Promotes Spiritial Awareness, & Healing
Musk (plain, regular, simple): Calm, Soothing, & Tranquility
Musk (vanilla): Promotes Health, Well-Being, & Healing
Opium: Promotes Peace, Tranquility, & Comfort
Orchid: Promotes Love, Happiness, Purification
Patchouli: Promotes Physical, Sex, Money, & Energy
Sandalwood: Meditation, Healing, & Health
Vanilla: Energy, Love, & Aprodisiac


Special Thanks to the above link for providing the graphics, check out this site for the best Free baby grahics on the web!!! Great Selection!

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