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The owner...

My name is Ellen Katrin. I live with my two dogs in Tromsų, Norway. I am the lucky owner of Hector. I am the one who is trying to teach him about life. Even though I think I have learned most from our relationship - so far...

Hector came to me and Farah (my sheltie) at 8 weeks of age, he was THE most adorable little pup! But reality got to me... I soon discovered that this pup was not all that cute! He destroyed most of my stuff. He ate gloves, shoes and all my most important papers. He destroyed ALL the ribbons Farah had earned in obedience competitions, and a video of her (maybe he was jealous??). He never slept, he was continuously running around, trying to find something to do. If not finding anything to destroy or eat, he was "crying" for attention! Petting was boring and collar unacceptable. He sure kept this owner occupied :-)

Living with my Australian Shepherd has NOT been boring! I haven't had a dull day since Hector got into my life. Many days with joy, frustration, laughter and even tears...but never a dull day. Our biggest problem is that there is not enough hours in the day to do all the things we want to do! Being the owner of Hector could be a full time occupation. And maybe most important of all - I would have enjoyed it.

I hope you enjoy the pictures of Hector. Please feel free to e-mail me!

If you have comments or suggestions, email me at