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Some useful links for HRM-751 students
- Robert Wolfe's notes on confounding and effect modification.
- Comments on stepwise regression. Stepwise regression (or discriminant function, or logistic, also, all-possible-subsets) has been beaten to death in discussions on the .stats Usenet groups. A lot of posts are strongly negative, from multiple points of views. This comes as a surprise to users whose introduction has come partly from stat-packages which make the options seem easy and appealing. Included here are three posts that cover a good range of objections, and offer pertinant references.
- Statistical mediation effects.
- Notes on observational studies from the Department of Health Sciences, Guy's, King's and St. Thomas' Medical School.
- Standardized Mortality Ratio.
- PA 765 Statnotes: An Online Textbook by G. David Garson. Has sections on path analysis and structural eqation modeling.
- Health statistics Tools of the Trade. Statistical Measurements, Data Analysis, Charts and Graphs, and Data Collection/Processing.
- Jerry Dallal's statistical software page. Includes "PC-Size: Consultant" (for sample size calculations), and "The Statistician's Swiss Army Knife".
Last modified on 12-Aug-2005.
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