If you are not redirected to my new statistics page within 5 seconds, click HERE.
- Notes, online textbooks, articles and glossaries
- My own notes plus some other things I found interesting.
- My SPSS page. Includes tutorials and syntax file demonstrations, plus a few other odds and ends.
- Statistics & epidemiology resources for medical students & clinicians.
- Links for students in Health Research Methodology (HRM) courses (at McMaster University):
- HRM-743: Meta-analysis & Systematic Reviews.
- HRM-751: Observational & Analytic Research Methods.
Online statistics textbooks and reference manuals. This is a very comprehensive list compiled by John C. Pezzulo, Associate Professor in the Departments of Pharmacology and Biostatistics, Georgetown University, Washington, DC. Includes links to:
- Online Statistics: A Multimedia Course of Study. This is an introductory-level statistics book. The material is presented both as a standard textbook and as a multimedia presentation. The book features interactive demonstrations and simulations, case studies, and an analysis lab.
- Biostatistics links from GraphPad.com:
- Carl Schwarz's homepage. Carl is from the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at Simon Fraser University in BC, Canada. His page has links to some great resources for statistics students, including course notes and practice questions with feedback. The notes for Stat-201 (formerly called Stat-301) may be of most interest to students in introductory stats classes.
- Psychological Statistics: Notes for an introductory stats course by M. Plonsky, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point.
- Lecture Notes on Statistics and Data Analysis with Vista. I don't know anything about Vista (which is some kind of compter program), but the lecture notes look pretty good. They were developed for introductory stats for psychology.
- Jason Newsom's page. Includes links to notes on basic statistics, structural equation modeling (SEM), and multi-level modeling. Also has data sets used for examples.
- Statistical Methods for Research Workers, by Sir Ronald A Fisher. Part of the Classics in the History of Psychology page. Click here for the complete list of statistical & methodological books or articles.
- PA 765 Statnotes: An Online Textbook, by G. David Garson, NC State University.
- Richard Williams' page. Has links to pages for various stats courses (with lots of PDF files of notes).
- Visual Statistics with Multimedia.
- Modelling Categorical Data: Loglinear Models and Logistic Regression. Notes by Brendan Halpin, Dept of Government and Society, Limerick University, Ireland.
- Dave Collett's homepage. Collett has authored books on time to event analysis and analysis of binary data. His wesite includes notes on:
- Alan McLean's commentary on the hypothesis testing controversy. In April 2000, Alan McLean posted to one of the stats newsgroups a couple of messages concerning the hypothesis testing controversy. I find his commentary to be very sensible and refreshing, which cannot be said for much of what one reads concerning this topic.
- When does Correlation Imply Causation? Selected contributions from a discussion, on the EDSTAT list (and newsgroup sci.stat.edu), about the phrase "correlation does not imply causation". The opening post is by Dr. Karl Wuensch.
- The Analysis of Observations with Applications in Atmospheric Science. An online texbook by William A. Cooper with chapters by Thomas W. Schlatter,
Tzvi Gal-Chen, and David B. Parsons. The primary objective of this text is to provide a broad background in the methodology of experimental research. Most areas are not covered in great depth, and it is expected that it will be necessary for readers to delve deeper into topics like spectral analysis or the techniques of fitting non-linear parameters before these will become comfortable tools. However, the course should provide a good introduction to the range of approaches available, so that an experimenter can then pursue applicable possibilities in more depth.
- Concepts and Applications of Inferential Statistics. This is a free, full-length, and occasionally interactive statistics textbook. It is a companion site of VassarStats, a website for statistical computation.
- Statistics Lectures & Quizzes from Dr. M.G. Settle's classes at Pensacola Junior College, Milton Campus.
- Multivariate Statistics: A Practical Guide. A practical guide to the use of selected multivariate statistical techniques. Site maintained by Mike Wulder, Research Scientist, Canadian Forest Service.
- The Data Analysis BriefBook. The BriefBook is a condensed handbook, or an extended glossary, written in encyclopedic format, covering subjects in statistics, computing, analysis, and related fields. It intends to be both introduction and reference for data analysts, scientists and engineers.
- Virtual Laboratories in Probability and Statistics. Web-based resources for students and teachers of probability and statistics. Looks like a nice site.
- Health Statistics Tools of the Trade. Statistical Measurements, Data Analysis, Charts and Graphs, and Data Collection/Processing.
- Statistics glossary by Valerie J. Easton and John H. McColl.
- Regression Models for Discrete and Limited Dependent Variables. By Michael R. Frone, Research Institute on Addictions, Buffalo, New York.
- Ordination Methods for Ecologists. Includes a glossary of ordination-related terms. The simplest definition [of ordination] is "Putting Things in Order"; (Wartenberg et al. 1987, Peet et al. 1988, Jackson and Somers 1991, Palmer 1993). The origin of the term "ordination" in ecology is attributed to Goodall (1954).
StatSoft Inc.'s Electronic Stats Textbook
- Basic Statistics for Clinicians: A series of 4 articles published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.
- Hypothesis testing.
- Interpreting study results: confidence intervals.
- Assessing the effects of treatment: measures of association.
- Correlation and regression.
- British Medical Journal's Statistics Notes. A series of short articles on the use of statistics in the medical literature.
- British Medical Journal's Topic Collections.
- BMJ Books
- British Medical Journal's Statistics at Square One. Chapters on:
- Data display and summary
- Mean and standard deviation
- Populations and samples
- Statements of probability and confidence intervals
- Differences between means: Type I and Type II errors and power
- Differences between percentages and paired alternatives
- The t-tests
- The chi-squared tests
- Exact probability test
- Rank score tests
- Correlation and regression
- Survival analysis
- Study design and choosing a statistical test
- Sifting the evidence--what's wrong with significance tests? Another BMJ article.
- Jerry Dallal's Little Handbook of Statistical Practice.
- John Uebersax's Statistical Methods for Rater Agreement. This site is a resource for the analysis of agreement among raters, diagnostic tests, observers, judges or experts. It contains background discussion on different methods, examples, references, software, and information on recent methodological developments.
- Practice problems & tutorials on the web
- Sample questions (with answers) suitable for an intoductory statistics class. Site maintained by Carl Schwarz, Department of Statistics & Actuarial Sciences, Simon Fraser University.
- DASL: The Data and Story Library. DASL (pronounced "dazzle") is an online library of datafiles and stories that illustrate the use of basic statistics methods. We hope to provide data from a wide variety of topics so that statistics teachers can find real-world examples that will be interesting to their students. Use DASL's powerful search engine to locate the story or datafile of interest.
- The Claremont Colleges' Web Interface for Statistics Education: Has links to tutorials, glossaries, on-line journals, statistics applets, discussion groups, etc.
- David Lane's practice problems. No answers provided for this set.
- Addison Wesley Longman's Internet Projects for Introductory Statistics
- John Pezzulo's links to interactive demonstrations & tutorials
- Rice Virtual Lab in Statistics. Includes an online stats book, simulations & demonstrations, case studies, and analysis tools. Thanks to David Lane for letting me know about this site.
SAS tutorial
- Data archives
- Useful sites for SPSS users
- My own SPSS page. Includes tutorials and examples of how to perform some of the analyses encountered in typical introductory stats courses. Also has some utilties (e.g., how to compute AGE from 2 date variables).
- Raynald's SPSS Tools. Raynald Levesque is well known to regular readers of the usenet newsgroup comp.soft-sys.stat.spss both for the elegant syntax he posts there, and his apparently unbounded willingness to help others solve their SPSS-related problems. Many of us have been thinking and saying for a long time now that there ought to be an archive of Raynald's code. Now there is. Thanks Raynald.
- The SPSS website.
- SPSS Algorithms.
- Go to http://support.spss.com.
- Click Login to Online Tech Support (left pane)
- Click Login (main pane)
- Login as "guest" with password "guest"
- Click Documentation (left pane)
- Click SPSS (left pane)
- Click SPSS Statistics (main pane)
- Click Algorithms (main pane)
- SPSS AnswerNet
- SPSS Inc. Code Center: An online resource for software developers and end-users interested in SPSS-related programming and development. You can access free, unsupported example source code and software development kits (SDKs) published by SPSS.
- SPSS Technical Support download page. Links to:
- Wolfgang Ludwig-Mayerhofer's Internet Guide to SPSS for Windows. This site has sections on:
- handling files
- data transformations
- exploratory data analysis
- simple analyses
- data reduction
- more complex analyses (linear & logistic regression, survival analysis, Cox regression)
- SPSS FAQ page from the University of Southern California.
- SPSS Basics, from the Biomedical Computing Facility of Baylor College of Medicine.
- SPSS for Windows 8, 9, and 10, by Svend Juul, Department of Epidemiology and Social Medicine, University of Aarhus, Denmark.
- SPSS Scripts by Fabrizio Arosio. Information on SPSS scripts and the Sax Basic Language. Has some scripts available for download.
- SPSS Help Archive. Includes links to posts and articles by Dave Nichols. Thanks to the good folks at the Social Science Data Lab, University of Colorado at Boulder for this great resource.
- SPSSX-L (listserv) archives from University of Georgia and Marist College
- 51 SPSS-related FAQs from the University of Texas Stats FAQ page. (There were 51 FAQs when I added this link to my page, at least. The number may have changed.) There are also FAQs in the following categories: General, AMOS, HLM (i.e., hierarchical linear models), Lisrel, and SAS.
- John Hendrickx's Home Page. Includes statistical resources for SPSS, Stata, SAS, and other packages.
- Online Manual for New Users of SPSS 9, from Information Technology Services, New York University. Click here for a short document describing some of the commonly used new features in SPSS 10.
- Data Analysis in SPSS. A document by Jamie DeCoster and Heather Claypool.
- SPSS and SAS macros by Andrew Hayes.
- Note on error terms for mixed effects ANOVA using SPSS GLM. For a mixed model with one fixed and one random factor, SPSS uses MS_interaction as the error term for both main effects, contrary to what many textbooks indicate. In this note, Dave Nichols attempts to explain why SPSS does things that way. He also points out that SAS does the same thing.
- Some SPSS tutorials...
- Other useful websites about statistics
- Read statistical newsgroups with Google Groups. For basic information about newsgroups in general, see the Google Groups Help page.
- David Howell's Statistical Home Page. David Howell is the author of the popular textbook Statistical Methods for Psychology. Includes some additional material not in the book. Here a couple of pages I've found particularly helpful:
- Gary McClelland's homepage. Gary co-authored the book Data Analysis: A Model Comparison Approach with Charles Judd. His statistics page has lots of useful stuff about the book, data sets, practice problems, etc.
Richard Ulrich's homepage. Lots of good stuff here. Be sure to check Rich's Stats FAQ.
- Jerry Dallal's homepage. Jerry's site includes the following:
- Little Handbook of Statistical Practice
- Software page
- Randomization plans. Generators to
- randomize each subject to a single treatment by using the method of randomly permuted blocks
- create random permutations of treatments for situations where subjects are to receive all of the treatments in random order
- generate a random permutation of integers (which is useful for
selecting a sample without replacement).
- Resources from GraphPad.com:
- Basic and advanced biostatistics links. Includes links to online stats books, and recommendations for printed books.
- QuickCalcs: Online calculators for scientists.
- Resource Library: Articles and recommendations on data analysis, biostatistics and nonlinear regression.
- Robert Newcombe's page. Robert Newcombe is a Reader in Medical Statistics in the Department of Epidemiology, Statistics and Public Health at University of Wales College of Medicine. His research interests include
- Confidence intervals for proportions, differences between proportions and related quantities.
- Designs for multi-treatment crossover studies.
- Role of prior information in the diagnostic process.
- Michael Friendly's Statistics and Statistical Graphics Resources. This page provides an annotated, topic-based collection of available resources for statistics, statistical graphics, and computation related to research, data analysis and teaching, now containing over 580 links.
- American Statistical Association website.
- Journal of Statistical Education (JSE) homepage.
- Clay Helberg's
Statistics on the Web (lots of links to other stats sites here)
- J. Puranen's list of links related to Statistics Education - Online Statistical teaching material, courses , handouts, exercises, articles, datasets, other lists of links, etc.
St@tServ: Statistics & Data Analysis Information Server
- Steve Simon's STATS page. STATS = Steve's attempt to teach statistics. Includes Steve's FAQ page, Ask Professor Mean.
- Eric Weisstein's World of Mathematics. Includes a nice section on Probability & Statistics.
- Second Moment: Applied statistics for academia and industry.
- RM Web: Website of the Research Methods Division of the Academy of Management.
- Powpow's del.icio.us statistics page.
- Alexandar J. Shackman's Quantitative Methods Resources.
- Online calculators & free programs
- Online stats calculators, and links to some online textbooks. This is a very comprehensive list.
- GraphPad QuickCalcs: Free online calculators for scientists.
- Stat Trek. Take the drudgery out of statistical computations. Computing probabilities, combinations, permutations, and factorials has never been easier. Simply click on the item that you want to use. Each online tool features clear instructions and examples; so you won't lose time getting up to speed.
- EpiData: A free database programme (small in size 1.2Mb) for simple or programmed data entry and data documentation. Export of data includes value and variable labels for Stata, SAS or SPSS.
- R at Loyalty Matrix: A site that promotes and supports the use of R, the open source data analysis & graphics software system.
- EasyReg Internaltional: Free Econometrics Software for Easy Regression Analysis, by Herman J. Bierens. Incldes the following:
- single-equation models
- multliple-equation models
- user-defined nonlinear models
- linear, logit, probit, multinomial logit, poisson, binomial logit & probit, negative binomial logit & probit, tobit, time series, and much more.
- WebStat is freely available data analysis software for use over the World Wide Web.
- All the data analysis tools for introductory statistics
- Easy to use, written with the novice in mind
- Step by step guidance through data analysis procedures
- A wide range of methods for importing data, even over the WWW!
- Graphics > pie charts, histograms, boxplots, scatterplots and more
- Numerics > summary statistics, t-tests, regression, ANOVA and more
- Save and print results from your Web browser
- Jerry Dallal's statistical software. Includes programs for sample size calculation, and The Statistician's Swiss Army Knife.
- Alan Miller's Fortran Software. Logistic Regression; TOMS algorithms; Special code for F and NAS compilers; Miscellaneous other code; Applied Statistics Algorithms.
- Bill Miller's OpenStat Homepage. Bill Miller is a retired professor of Industrial Technology who found that a lot of students could not afford to purchase a commercial statistics package. He decided producing a free statistics package was a good way to keep myself entertained during his retirement.
- John Crawford's computer program page. This page contains a series of computer programs that implement a variety of psychometric and statistical methods for use by clinical neuropsychologists and clinical psychologists. Includes programs for testing the difference between independent and dependent correlations.
- G.A.S.P. - Globally Accessible Statistical Procedures. Includes data analysis procedures and educational procedures. Nice site.
- Online metric converter.
- PS: An interactive Windows 95/98 program for calculating power and sample size. Written by William D Dupont and Dale Plummer of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center.
- Rollin Brant's Home Page. Includes a few sample size calculations:
- Free software (executable or code) from the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center.
- O-matrix homepage. O-Matrix is a MATLAB-compatible interactive analysis and visualization tool that combines the programming flexibility and performance of a compiled language with the ease of use and functionality of an integrated environment. The light version of O-matrix is quite comprehensive, and completely free. I've found it useful for solving matrix algebra equations.
- John Maindonald's Web Page: Notes and datasets for R and S-Plus.
- ROC analysis programs by Professor Charles Metz, from the University of Chicago Department of Radiology. You may find The magnificent ROC website useful too. It provides a good introduction to the topic, complete with some neat applets. Thanks to Sacha Dubois for alerting me to this site.
- 2x2 tables
- DAG-Stat: Diagnostic & AGreement Statistics. This is a freely available Excel workbook, written by Andrew MacKinnon. It provides a comprehensive range of statistics calculable from 2x2 tables that are useful in evaluating diagnostic tests and interrater agreement.
- Online
exact tests for 2x2 contingency tables
- Jim Steiger's homepage, where you can access course materials, download selected publications, and download software created by Dr. Steiger and associates, including the following programs:
- NDC - A Noncentral Distribution Calculator that performs noncentrality interval estimation for the noncentral T, noncentral F, and noncentral Chi-Square distributions. NDC is a stand-alone Windows application.
- MULTICORR: A DOS program for testing pattern hypotheses on correlations. Want to test whether a group of correlations are all zero? Want to compare matrices of correlations over time? Want to test for circumplex structure? Look no further.
- R2: A DOS program for confidence interval estimation, power calculation, and sample size estimation for the squared multiple correlation. You are unlikely to find these capabilities anywhere else.
- Free meta-analysis software...
- My own meta-analysis programs: Three programs that implement the procedures described by Fleiss (1993).
- David B. Wilson's meta-analysis stuff. Includes PowerPoint presentations and macros for SPSS, Stata, and Sas.
- Meta-analysis
programs by Ralf Schwarzer:
- the analysis of exact probabilities (p values) as suggested by
- the analysis of effect sizes d, following the methods of either
Glass or of Hedges and Olkin
- the analysis of effect sizes r as recommended by Hunter, Schmidt, and
- EasyMA: Free
software for meta-analysis of 2x2 tables, developed in the Department of Clinical Pharmacology of the cardiological hospital in Lyon, France.
- SDCalc_v4.xls: An Excel workbook that computes the SD from either the SE of the mean, or a confidence interval. Thanks to Sacha Dubois for providing this handy little tool.
- Statistical add-ons for Excel. There are some well-documented problems with Excel's statistical functions. Several add-on stats modules are available that circmuvent some of those problems, however. Two of these are listed below.
- Analyse-it. Analyse-it includes 14-parametric & 17-non-parametric statistical functions including multiple linear regression analysis, ANOVA, & chi-square statistics, plus a specialized statistical package for clinical method evaluation & validation. Inexpensive student versions and FREE trial versions are available.
- Rodney Carr's XLStatistics. XLStatistics is a set of Microsoft Excel (ver 5+) workbooks for statistical analysis of data designed to replace and enhance the tools provided with Excel's Data Analysis Toolbox addin. The workbooks are designed to implement a step-by-step guide to the statistical analysis of data (this guide appears commonly as a flow chart in many texts). The set is designed to make data analysis easy. Full version costs $30 Australian. A FREE version also available.
Last modified on 5-Jul-2009.
Email: bweaver@lakeheadu.ca