
ok in order: Jeff, Justin, Malinda, Joshua, and Me. Malinda's the only poor soul who must remain in the prison we soo "fondly" call FSHS. But it's all good. We'll all come back over the years to see friends and family graduate.

Me and Jeffrey Pat @ Senior Recognition. Jeff sat beside me in home room for almost 4 years. We bonded (like duh!) and I'm really gonna miss him next year.

My Thoughts on the Big Day

I can't believe it finally happened. I mean this is something you spend most of your life wondering about. It's a very big deal. I'm just glad it's over with. I can't begin to describe how happy I am that I won't ever have to deal w/some of my classmates again. I mean they can be just awful. Next year I'm leaving for the "big city" I can't wait. It will be soo exciting starting fresh. Of course that's what I said about Fairmont too. Oh well...I just can't wait to get on with my life.