Relationship Guidelines

These are some things I got from a friend, their sorta like guidelines. The paper says to keep looking at these as a reality check for yourself.

1. Stay in touch w/yourself. Stop to think and listen to your instincts. Avoid becoming so "caught up" in the relationship that you fail to evaluate it clearly.

2. The more dependent you tend to be, the slower and more cautiosly you need to respond.

3. Demand to be treated w/respect and honesty from the outset. Their response is significant.

4 Don't blame yourself if they don't prove trustworthy.

5. Commit w/caution, watching for balance in your levels of commitment.

6. Avoid idealizing. Recognize your partner's true weakness.

7. Look closely at your partner's relationship history. Do not overlook problems, as they may form a pattern. Be careful w/those who easily explain away a negative problem.

8. Watch follow-through as a sign of sincerity, even on "little things."

9. Watch for appropriate acceptance of responsibility for mistakes.

10. Watch for signs of control in minor decisions, such as where you will eat or video rentals.

11. Watch for over-assurances of trust.

12. Be careful w/those who are either highly opinionated or unopinionated.

13. Look for consistency in what you hear them say and what they do.

14. Note their method of conflict resolution. Do they avoid problems, or short-cut solutions? Do they listen well? Do they use unfair tactics to win an argument or wear you down?

15. Note their typical defense mechanisms and how they respond to your discussion of them.

16. Watch how you are treated publicly. Note also their desire to isolate w/you.

17. When there is some level of trust built up, discuss any wounds from past relationships or childhood, as well as where they may be in their healing process. The best partners are aware of what they bring into a relationship, and have made substantial progress in clearing away the past.