This is craziness!!! Why are there even guns that big in this world? There was no reason that guy needed a gun. Can you believe what this poor boy was feeling? I mean how would you react to this stranger (dressed like a bad guy from a movie) carrying a gun, who wanted to take you away from everything you've known the past 5 months? These people should have thought ahead about the emotional and psychological trauma that they've inflicted on this kid. It's bad enough he had to watch his mother drown, but to be taken at gunpoint? He's just a little kid. Think of how this kid is going to be in 20 years. Kids these days have enough obstacles to overcome growing up, but this kid has soo many more now. Someone needs to watch out for him and make sure that he has the easiest time adjusting back to his old life. He needs to have someone to talk to who can give him good advice. The last thing we need in this world is another confused adolescent who only knows violence.

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The web site where I got the picture from.