Tommy and me met in Health class my sophomore year.  He was a friend of the guy who sat in front of me and they talked during the whole class.  One day I jumped into their conversation and things just progressed from there.  Tommy and I shared our first kiss 3 days after Christmas 1997.  It was a cold day and the snow was blowing all around us, but when we kissed I was transported to some warm tropical place.  That was one of the few magical moments of our relationship.  He was my first long-term boyfriend besides Trent, and I had certain expectations, which he didn’t live up to.  I wanted him to think of me as his princess.  I wanted someone who would open doors for me and brings me flowers.  He never did any of this.  I couldn’t count on him for support when I was upset and he constantly ran around with his old girlfriends.

Jessica and I wanted to get together again that summer.  Jessica, Steven, Tommy and me decided to meet at a youth conference in Brownsville, Florida.  There was a huge revival in a church there and we thought it would be fun.  We ordered tickets, but at the last minute Tommy bailed on me.  I decided to go anyway and had a blast.  After the revival I drove into Houston with my family.  I stayed at Jessica's for a week and Jessica, Steven, Bob and I got really close. We went to the beach, the mall, and Astroworld just like we used to.  It was like our old gang was back, just with different people.  I called Tommy once while I was in Houston but things just weren't the same. Going back to Houston changed my perspective on things and when I returned to West Virginia Tommy and I never regained the closeness in our relationship and soon I moved onto the "next love of my life"
