My last day of school was just like any other normal day.  I had lunch with my friends and went to classes.  I was a little excited about never seeing certain people who I didn’t care to be around ever again.  I took lots of pictures and just tried to remember the day for what it was.  Mrs. Munza my computer-programming teacher was the hardest to say goodbye to.  She would read stories to us on special days and always had a jar of candy on her desk.  As I was leaving the school for the last time I felt a chapter of my life closing.  I was no longer in the safe confines of school; suddenly I was a high school graduate.  That title had a burden to carry with it.  I was suddenly in charge of my own destiny.  I could choose to do whatever I wanted to.  There were no second chances.


 My entire family came into Fairmont to see me graduate.  To me it wasn’t a big deal, but they were very proud of me.  Because I graduated with Highest Honors I sat on stage during the ceremony.  This is a very big honor and it was something that I vowed to accomplish my freshman year.  Sitting on stage during the ceremony and looking out at all my classmates I wondered what would become of us in the years to come.  My class graduated with eighteen valedictorians so during the ceremony I had plenty of time to daydream about my adventures that would follow.  After the ceremony my entire class poured out into the parking lot behind the gym and celebrated. 
