A week later I found myself standing in the middle of the food court at Union Station wondering how I was supposed to find my best friend in the midst of all these people.  I hadn’t seen her in two years, but when I saw her I recognized her immediately.  While her hair was shorter, straighter, and blonder she still looked like my Jessica.  I was even able to recognize her with her glasses on.  We spent the entire day together catching up on everything.  We toured D.C. and took LOTS of pictures together.

It was just like it used to be when we were together.  We talked about the cute guys, our futures and ignored the crowds as we walked down the street.  I was oblivious to everyone around me.  I was just happy to be with my best friend again.  When it was finally time to go she gave me the diary that she kept while she was in Teen Challenge.  I was finally able to understand what she went through in the year I hadn’t talked to her.  It was hard to say goodbye to my best friend, but I was glad to have her back.  Seeing her finally gave me closer to everything that had happened the past year.
