After coming back into town I dove into my job at the gym.  I was in charge of leading two classes all by myself.  This gave me an incredible amount of responsibility that I loved.  I could plan what my kids would be doing for the next three months.  I was determined to make them all into little start.  I have to say that I succeeded in doing that.  My girls got a lot of new tricks.  My favorite was a little girl named Hannah.  She was the cutest thing and would always listen to what I told her to do.  She grew so much over the summer and when she left to start kindergarten I felt like my own daughter was starting school.

 Robert and I bonded quickly.  We would often stay at work after the classes were done to talk or flip around on the equipment. We could talk about everything.  He could read me so well.  He could take one look at my face and knew instantly what kind of day I was having.  He watched out for me like a big brother but there was something more there.  Things progressed and we went out a few times but after a couple of weeks things all went downhill.  I don’t know what changed, but suddenly we couldn’t talk to each other anymore.  We stopped seeing each other and work became difficult.  He was bitter towards me and I had no patience to deal with him.  I decided to cut my hours back and pick up an extra job.  My boss from the gym told me about his friend who was looking to hire a waitress part time at a country club.

 Green Hills Country Club was the oddest place to work.  I would sit around for two hours with nothing to do and then all of the sudden 50 million people would come in and want service all at the same time.  I worked behind the bar serving drinks and food to the people.  I loved my boss.  Benny was the funniest guy.  He’s this short little man from some country in the Middle East or Asia.  He would stay up all night playing poker and then come to work and sleep in his van that was always parked out back.  It was a nice job.  I could do it without putting too much effort into it, unlike the gym, which was very emotionally taxing.  The money was great and I would get good tips from the old men.  They were the cutest.  They would come in all hot and sweaty from playing golf and then drink four or five beers.  I hated just sitting back and watching them drink all the beer and having to turn my head when they got up to drive home.  My boss said it wasn’t any of my business and to just ignore it.  He said that they were grown men and could make their own decisions.
