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This is an ode to the odd & the occasionally great.
Strange sites can be quite ethereal- here today, and gone forever tomorrow. I promise to do my best to eradicate broken links- please contact me (see below) if you happen to find one.

I'm getting a better at making pages, so I can update the Sig Files & Quotes pages almost every day.
I've totally redone the 'My Favourite Recipes', too. Now with new non-food recipes!
Everything else is updated as I find new stuff, or have time, or both.

# 16098430
My ICQ Status:
Good & Truly Useful 
-places I like to visit.

Dogpile. A multi-search engine, & my favourite. Dogpile searches Yahoo!, GoTo, PlanetSearchThunderstone, What U Seek, Magellan, Lycos, WebCrawler, InfoSeek, Excite, AltaVista, Reference, Dejanews, Dejanews' old Database, Filez , FTP Search, Yahoo News Headlines, Excite News & Infoseek NewsWires all at once! What more could you possibly want? 

I'm a real news hound. I scan the newspapers online everyday, (several times a day). I have a news ticker from Pointcast, and another from Yahoo! It's an addiction, I guess. Some of my favourite online sources are:

The DrudgeReport. A jumping off spot for tons of news sources- online papers, columnists, political news & scandal.
The New York Times.  You'll have to register, but it's fast, and free & there's probably no better place for in-depth  news.
The Washington Times A conservative newspaper. Good reporting, great for political news & 'Inside Washington' issues.
The Washington Post More liberal than the Times, this is the paper that broke the Watergate Conspiracy story. Nothing's ever been the same. 
The Los Angeles Times Another great paper. Great everyday newspaper.
The Times of London Super resource. You'll need to register, but it's free & fast. For British news,  the Times, published for more than 200 years,  has no equal.
The Daily Mirror What the NY Post is to the NY Times, the Daily Mirror is to the Times of London. Scandal, sex, and celebrities. A fun read.
The New York Post. There's a old joke that the blaring headline of every issue of the Post always has a one of the following words: 'severed', 'sex', 'mayor', 'horror' or 'mob'. It may be true. Often lurid, twisted stories, the Post is always entertaining & never boring. 
The Charlotte Observer The Observer broke the PTL scandal, for which those of us living in the area are eternally grateful. A solid paper with good reportage.
Detroit Free Press Another great paper, The 'Freep' covers issues in a straightforward manner.

More neat stuff...

Net Mind URL Minder. The URL Minder sends notification via email whenever your personally registered resources change. Saves lots of time. It's free, it's easy, and it saves lots of time

The International Lyrics Server. Lyrics to over 75,000 songs. This is a neat resource. It's a good way to finally get the words to that song you keep humming out of your head (and replace it with a new one!)

NASA Thesaurus. Everything From A Stars to Zuni Rocket Vehicles. An indispensable resource when you just have to know all about Relativistic Plasmas right now.

The Internet Movie Database. Need to know how many screen credits the elusive Alan Smithee has to his name?  Need to know who Alan Smithee is? Want to know who starred in that sweet Irish film, The Snapper? Find out at the IMB Search Engine. If you would like to find a movie to rent, check out MovieFinder. Submit grades for movies you have seen, then the site will suggest films you might enjoy. While we are on the subject, I'd  like to share a few of my favourite with you, including links to their sites (if the have them). Except I haven't loaded that page yet, so you'll have to wait.

Homework Central The Biggest Academic Research Site on the Internet! 2,200 School Subjects. Don't be put of by the name... adults will find lots of useful information here.  

Periodic Table of the Elements -I like this one, located at the Chemical Science & Technology Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory. I also really like this one, located at the University of Sheffield, in England.

Evolution. This site is subtitled "Frequently Encountered Criticisms in Evolution vs. Creationism: Revised & Expanded" & that pretty much sums it up. It's a great site. You might also want to check out the Talk.Origins Archive, The Evolutionist, or The Evolution Home page. Or read an online version of Charles Darwin's The Origin Of Species. Finally, for a quick (ish) course on Applied Genetics, check out the Virtual Fly Lab

Another type of Evolution, The Evolution of Existence Into Experience, a description of the Unified Reality Theory can be found here

Up for a bit of reading? Check out an online book at Project Gutenberg, a most noble effort to get books that have fallen out of copyright into the hands of the reading public. Another literary database- can be found at Wiretap- but this is a database with a difference. Where else are you going to find Bram Stoker's Dracula, and the CIA's hauntingly lyrical Psychological Operations in Guerilla Warfare? When you have exhausted these resources, move on to the Online Library of Literature. Not a huge list of titles, but a good selection: Carroll, Descartes, Poe, Shelley, Twain, Voltaire, and more. FOBs might look to The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. Still haven't found what you are looking for? Try the Electronic Text Centre- which houses Modern (being from 1500 to the present), & Middle English Collections.  Looking for Christian Literature? Try the 84 books & 811 newsletter issues at FreeBooks. Mostly Protestant, but still pretty good.

Well there's egg and bacon; egg, sausage and bacon; egg and spam; bacon and spam; egg, bacon, sausage and spam; spam,  bacon, sausage and spam; spam, egg, spam, spam, bacon and spam; spam, spam, spam, egg and spam; spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, spam, baked beans, spam, spam, spam and spam; or lobster thermidor aux crevettes with a mornay sauce garnished with truffle pate', brandy and a fried egg on top of spam." And then there is The Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email. Or CAUCE, to their friends. A cohesive plan to rid the Internet of SPAM. Join them. Join them now. It costs nothing. It's a good thing.

Artful & Thoughtful
-beautiful, whimsical, insightful

Kether. Features Beth Scannell's Thesis "Life on the Border: Cyberspace and the Avatar in Historical Perspective", & the books By the Late John Brockman, by John Brockman, & European Mind, by Russell Means. Meaningful reading. You can also find Henry Warwick's Paintings, 'based in archetypal colour schemes derived from metaphysical systems, both ancient and modern'. Very nice. Finally, Henry's Links- a must for Apple Lovers, Font Fans, & Industrial Music Aficionados. 

Catweasel. Catweasel.Org  has Art, a lovely & quite fabulous Gallery of the Tasteless, and other really super fab things. This page belongs to my friend, whose name, coincidentally enough, is Catweasel.
So: Just who is Catweasel? Catweasel The Man is an enigma wrapped inside a mystery. I know only this: He lives in England & is very witty. That's enough for me, and by extension, it's enough for you as well. 
Personally, I think he may be Prince Charles. Now, he says he's not. But what would you expect Prince Charles to say.... Yes?

Arcosanti. 'Arcology' is the concept, as envisioned by Paolo Soleri, that cities should embody the fusion of architecture with ecology. Located at Cordes Junction, Arizona, Arcosanti is an ongoing experimental city that will one day house 7,000 people. Amazingly, Arcosanti is built largely from funds resulting from the sale of bells, chimes, and wind sculptures made onsite at Cosanti. I have one, and it is a beautiful thing. 

Electro Magnetic Poetry. Just like the popular Magnetic Poetry that can be purchased for refrigerator use, except this is in Java, which means the cat isn't always knocking your words on the floor. 

Pythonline. If you are a fan of Monty Python's Flying Circus (and who isn't?), then this is the site for you. Chat, games, the works- this site pays tribute (officially) to Briton's funniest export to the Colonies. 

Joel's Gizmonic Antsite You are now an ant. I really can't say enough about this page. It's thought- provoking and funny at the same time. One of the most interesting sites on the web, created by Mystery Science Theatre's Joel Hodgson.

Mystery Science Theatre 3000. There are dozens of MST3K sites on the web. Hers are some of my favourites: Deus Ex Machina- animations, articles, FAQS, program guides, games, pictures, quotes, sounds, screen savers, links , and more. The Amazing Colossal Web Page- sounds, images. The Eye Site- Hard to find .wavs from the first season. 

Scottland. Scotland? No, Scottland. As in Scott Thompson, of Kids In The Hall fame. This is not an easy site to explain. Decorated with odd insects and planetoids, this is a delightful site. First, you have to become a citizen by getting password- not hard & it's free. Then you can proceed to the Lid Lounge for chat, to the Coaster Club for poetry, or to other equally excellent sub-sites. 

The Schwa Corporation. This can be a difficult site to navigate, as you'll have to scroll both up. down, and sideways to get the full effect, but it's worth the trip. Enter Schwa Space, and experience all that is..... unusual. Enter the 'Name the Solar System' Contest, or just view the entries of those who have passed before (my favourite is "404 Error"). Visit CDI Industries, and see a model of the Solar System in pixel scale. Too cool. Take the space elevator to various sub-sites. I like the curious Eldritch Company Fall Catalogue.

Starship Titanic, by Douglas Adams (or here) author of The Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy & others (What is The Answer to Life, the Universe & Everything?) This is a game unlike any other I have played, and this  is it's home page (you'll have to pop down to your local shop to purchase The Game). The premise: An advanced civilization has build the biggest, most luxurious starship ever. Nothing can possibly go wrong. Until it does. Mere moments into her maiden voyage, The Starship Titanic collides with your house. You board, only to find that she takes off into unknown space. You are left alone, a third class passenger on the largest starship ever built- alone except for a crew of odd robots and an insane parrot. You communicate with the robots through a funky language called SpookiTalk. A super site, but an even better game.

I didn't know where to put this, so I'm sticking it here. I was born in California & grew up in Lakewood. Lakewood was a planned city. Most every aspect of living was planned. The streets, the houses, everything. They've even made documentaries about it. It was nice growing up in such a place, in a way. Always clean, always neat. Really Close to Disneyland. I used to visit Disneyland several times a month. My Dad once calculated that we had visited Disneyland over 300 times. I wouldn't be surprised. We also lived really close to Knott's Berry Farm.  I can't possibly calculate the number of times I've been there. Just too many to count.
We also went to the beaches in Long Beach a lot.  Growing up, southern California was a wish come true for a child. Always something to see & do.  The La Brea Tar Pits. The Queen Mary.  The Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. And so on.
I don't live there anymore. But I remember it fondly.

Bad & Truly Bizzare
rants, raves, and foaming mouths

The Arc-Hive of Conspiracy. Their Motto? In Hoc Jell-O Vinces; Learn all you need to know about Grubor, Boursy, & the Usenet Cabal. And more. You know you want to look. 

Bizarre Web Pages. This site catalogues scores of hate groups on the net. The author of this page is outraged (& justifiably so, IMO) at the hatred in America.

Eric's Web Crackpots. Sort of like the page mentioned above, but different. Different in a good way.

Charles Manson's Homepage. An homage to.....? Well, that's hard to figure out, exactly. But basically, an homage to the Chuckster himself. His art. His thoughts. Weird, but what did you expect? It's Charles Manson's home page. Jeez.

In 1968, Andy Warhol was shot & wounded by Valerie Solonas. She wrote The Scum Manifesto. SCUM
stood for the Society to Cut Up Men. It's funny, but it's not a joke. She really meant to kill Warhol. They even made a movie about the whole thing, called I Shot Andy Warhol (you only get one shot at fame).

Parts of this site boggles the mind. It's author, Tony Hollick, is bent on securing the release of Mary Kay Schmitz LeTourneau, who you will remember as the woman who was convicted of raping (& having a a baby with)  a 13 year old boy in Washington State. She violated her parole (she became pregnant by Boy X again), & landed herself in prison to serve out her 7.5 year sentence. Hollick has filed 8 Amicus Curiae Briefs. with the courts, referencing all kinds of strange stuff. Lenny Bruce. A conspiracy at Microsoft Corporation. The CIA. The National Security Agency. Another conspiracy involving the FBI. Coulomb's Law. The Voight Effect. NATO. Plus, the family of the late Walt Disney are possible co-conspirators, according to Hollick. One of the Amicus briefs is nothing more than a reprint of a story of a grown man's remembrances of a relationship he had with his music teacher. He quotes & refers to all sorts of people; from Ronald Reagan, actress Frances Farmer J.R.R. Tolkien, & author Richard Bach. Even Yoda, the Jedi Master gets his say. The Nash-Kelvinator Corporation (makers of fine refrigerators & Nash Ramblers) is cited. There are long, rambling, disjointed letters from Hollick to a US Attorney, the Judge, the Governor.  You can even find Mary Kay Schmitz LeTourneau's address (in prison) and write to her.

Odd & Inexplicable
I'm not going to try

Uri Geller's Homepage. Yeah, the guy who bends spoons with his mind (Right, uh uh). What's inexplicable about this page is that people believe him. He can't, of course bend spoons with his mind. I can, but that's a different page. Actually, I can bend spoons- but only because I read Penn & Teller's book. If you don't have their book, How to Play with Your Food, check out this page, part of James "The Amazing" Randi's web site. For those who don't know, James Randi is an 'author, lecturer, amateur archaeologist and amateur astronomer'. Perhaps more importantly, he is a proponent of Rationalism, and a debunker of pseudo science and quackery. Towards this end, he has offered the sum of $1,000,000.00, payable in ten $100,000.00 U.S. Treasury bonds to anyone who can provide evidence to prove any psychic, supernatural, or occult power or event. If you really can bend spoons with your mind, go here. It's an easy way to make a million dollars. Yeah, right.

Ted Holden's page on Velikovskianism. This isn't easily explained, but... the writings of Immanuel Velikovsky concerned 'Catastrophist Historical Reconstruction'. Suffice it to say that being a Velikovskian requires one to believe that dinosaurs & man existed simultaneously, yadda yadda yadda. You get the picture. pseudo science. For more on pseudo science, see sci.anthropology.paleo. Scary stuff.

Gerry Anderson. Sound Familiar? Maybe not. But how about..... Captain Scarlet? Fireball XL5? Supercar? Thunderbirds are go? How about Supermarionation? Yes? Do you remember those freaky puppets now? I do. As scary to children as clowns, but different. I love them now that I'm all grown up. Go visiting. Sat "Hi" to Mike Mercury for me. Why did we watch this stuff? Why do we continue to watch it today?

On February 3rd, 1998, Karla Faye Tucker made the entire nation squirm uncomfortably in it's collective seat when the State of Texas put her to death in it's Death Chamber. Ms. Tucker, high on drugs at the time, had taken part in a brutally  gruesome axe murder several years prior, that resulted in the death sentence. She became a poster child for the death penalty when it was learned that she had experienced a jail house conversion to Christianity.
On the one hand, famous Christian leaders like Pat Robertson flocked to Ms. Tucker's cell- interviewing her, praying with her, sending her pretty face around the world on satellite. Questions began to arise: She's become a Good Christian... should we execute good Christians?  She's a woman... should we execute women?
On the other hand: What about conversions to other faiths... Where were the preachers waiting to interview the converted Muslims?  Why is it okay to execute a man... but not a woman? Why are people fighting Karla's execution date helping a lovely white woman, and not a poor man (white or black), who make up the overwhelming majority of death row inmates?  If she dies, will all these people focus their cameras and their attention on the poor men who are left?
The issue became highly political, with calls of protest and support to the Governor's Office; rallies; letters to the President; begging for clemency- or demanding justice- depending, of course on the individual.
Governor Bush  wasn't budging, though.
No clemency. No pardon. Nothing at all... Silence.
Was it right? 
I find the web sites, spawned in the shadow of Ms. Tucker's death, fascinating.
Here is her actual 'official home page'. It's a doozy. Seeing it made me decide to learn html and make my own page. It can't be any worse than this.  At various times, Ms. Tucker's site has had animated gif  syringes, and always sports lurid colours. Yuck.

Humorous & Truly Funny
not for the very young or humour impaired. 

The Onion. Kind of like USA Today, except totally different. The Onion is funnier, which makes it relevant. Unlike the real thing.

Zug. 'The Web's Only Comedy Site'. Very funny, especially the hilarious Outgoing Mail

Fade To Black. I boycott Fade To Black, and think you should, too. It's very funny, but you really shouldn't go there.  There's something to offend everyone.  The outrageous Cult Buyer's Guide.  The hilarious  Hottest Feminist Contest. The humourous Stand-Up Comedy Bingo? Don't go there. Now. In fact, because I feel so strongly about it, I've created a Boycott Fade to Black Page.

Fertnel. "Next time you think: Think Fertnel" Fertnel is the largest Snak and Snak by-products company in the world, makers of delicious Glow Cheeze, MeatNickles, Crunchopolis and many other of your favourite treats. Go figure. Go there. 

The Corporation. This could be Fertnel's Parent Company, but it isn't. Their motto: 'Workin' you like the replacable dog you are'. An odd mix of corporate news ( Young Worker Killed by 10-Ton Web Page Proofing Machine), and truly strange stories ( including the dark Cyberbear's Clubhouse). It's unusual & very disturbing. In a good way.

You've no doubt heard of Scientology (I ain't linking there. No way). But have you experienced The Most Holy-n-High Church of the Blinding Light of the Holy Glowing & trade; Form of the One Toupeed and  Gloriously Bloated Shatner? No? Well, go there now. And, if that's not enough, visit The Temple Of Shatner. And if, with your mind reeling, you want yet more Shatner, go to Oozeywood's tribute to Da Man Himself. This includes a puzzling film clip of Shatner as Johnny Moon in White Comanche in which he utters "Go ahead. Eat the peyote. Drug of the Devil. Dream your dreams of hate" Is there a funnier, freakier sound clip on the Internet? I doubt it. Mentioning Oozeywood brings us to:

Ooze. What can I say? They seem to have picked up where National Lampoon left off (back when it was funny- before P.J. O'Rourke left to write serious stuff, for those keeping score). 

The Unofficial Ernie Kovaks Site. An ode to one of the true creative geniuses of this, or any other century. 

The Quest For Slack
Eternal Salvation -Or Triple Your Money Back

The Church of the Sub Genius. What can be said about a church that offers "Eternal Salvation -Or Triple Your Money Back". Well, quite a lot, actually. It's all explained in Pamphlet #1. Would you pay to know what you REALLY think? J.R. "Bob" Dobbs thinks so. Do you fear the STARK FIST OF REMOVAL? 
Honestly, don't we all? Go there now. Don't be Pink. 

Other Web Sites of the Gods include: Papa Joe Mama's Sub-Subsite (with Online Computer Confessional, Home Study Tapes, & Holy Icons!) Perhaps The Dictionary of the Gods! will fill your quest for Slack? Let Bob decide. 

what did you say?

I really think that this is the worst celebrity website on the 'net, unless perhaps Bill Shatner has one I don't know about UPDATE! There is a William Shatner site I didn't know about. It's the official William Shatner Fan Club Site. And as these things go it's one of the ... gulp... best I've ever seen?!?. Really, I was just as surprised as the rest of the world. Not too incredibly commercial, lots of information about Mr. Shatner's volunteer work with children, and not nearly as bad as WilliamShatner.Com, (which is the yuckiest   vanity site I've ever seen, and really is, from all appearances, Mr. Shatner's actual homepage).
Confused? Worried? Then go here. Getting back to the original intent of this foray into icky Celebrity Sites, this one is dedicated to all that is Brent Spiner, STTNG's Data. From the country that made David Hasselhoff a minor deity, comes Spiner's Domain, published by those fine folks at F.O.B.S. (Friends Of Brent Spiner), Germany. Their goal? To increase the popularity of 'Ol Yellow Eyes Himself, Commander Data, & to inform the world about his life, his loves, his passions. I'm heavy into Star Trek, and all, but do we really need to hear a Brent Spiner Techno Mix? I think not. 

Kill the wabbit, Kill the wabbit..... Bunny Survival Tests Home Page. Cute, soft little bunnies are subjected to: Laser Exposure Endurance, an appalling Slow Application Heat, a terrible Flame Tolerance Test, a horrid Hot tub Test, scary Electrocution Tolerance tests, a "Coyote Test", an Oxygen Deprivation Test, and a Radiation Tolerance Test. Before you get all upset, these are marshmallow bunnies. You know- the kind that come in pink & lavender, and blue. Another marshmallow confection site, dedicated to all that is Peeps (the squishy Chicks) can be found here.

Okay, this takes a bit of explaining. This guy believes that he can psychically control people on TV. Far be it from me to disagree, but I wonder if he's ever heard of the seven second delay? How will he know what they are talking about- assuming he sees a live broadcast- with a minimum seven second delay? That all assumes that he can really do what he says he can- which he can't. But- one interesting note on the page says that he 'zapped' Dan Quayle. If it works as he says it does, it would explain a lot.

Hot Air, the online version of The Annals of Improbable Research. I think they put it best, when they say "...both genuine and concocted research from the world's best and worst scientists and science writers.". Want to research the Taxonomy of Barney, The Big Purple Dinosaur? Then go here. Interested in the response of cats to men with beards? Go here. Want to subscribe to Mini-Air, an electronic version of the real thing? Then try this.

& Etc...
all that isn't everything else

Speaking of children's programs (see above), I'm really into Teletubbies. These things are freaky. I can't wait to see what these techno-trolls will do next. As near as I can tell, they have oddly shaped coat hangers stuck in their heads, huge nicotine patches on their stomachs, and they seem to live in an area somewhere between The Village (remember The Prisoner? When visiting The Village, stay at The Hotel Portmeiron) and Sesame Street. They get their instructions, not from # 2, but from speakers that pop up from the ground. Tinky Winky, Dipsy, Laa Laa, & Po (for those are their names, as I have been told by a little one who know such things) speak their own almost in-decipherable language, eat Tubby Toast & Tubby Pudding; and are monitored, not by large weather balloons, but by a vacuum cleaner called, chillingly, Noo-Noo. They are becoming a daily habit around here. Wake up, eat, watch Teletubbies (this is the BBC site). Then, I go out and Live, satisfied that all is well. Or, at least- all is normal (whatever that is).
I am forced to watch children's television as part of my professional duties (send donations of un-needed grey matter to: ). As a result, I've become something of an expert. This is my other favourite children's show:
Bill Nye The Science Guy (Science Rules!). I like Bill Nye, because he seems to think that Science is something anyone (even kids) can learn and enjoy. He's right, of course, and that makes this a great show. The site is cool, too. 

My other pages, updated 10.11.98-
Signature Files & Quotes 
Religion... World Faiths 
Really Useful Education Sites
Smokey Bear
Dustbunny's Kitchen
Documents of Freedom:
The Declaration Of Independence
The Constitution Of The United States