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The First Night

It was a nice day of may, and now sun went down, sky turned to red and purple, stars began to shine in the darkest part of the sky, and it was birds last song.

Chichi was already lying down in the large bed, one of her father's gifts, waiting after her new husband, Goku, who was in the bathroom. She was very nervous: it was her first night of married woman.

Goku had finish to brush his teeth, so he went to the bedroom where Chichi was. With a nice smile, he slowly raised the sheets, remembered Krilin and Yamcha's advises: "Don't go quickly! Be cool and let your feeling do the job." Then, Yamcha said "And control your strength, ok?".

In fact, Goku knew nothing about sex, and all Chichi knew was what she read in magazines and what her father said to her - and it wasn't worth much.

So Goku just went beside Chichi, nervous too. Goku just weared a blue short and Chichi weared a long white night dress. Her long black hair wasn't tied and her beautiful black eyes shone in the new born moon's light. She was really beautiful and Goku just admired her. After a moment, Chichi decided to make the first move and kissed him on the lips. Goku took her in his muscular arms and closed his eyes, like Chichi. He "let his feeling do the job": his hands became trembling when he began to undress his young bride. Chichi breathed faster and soon she was naked in Goku's hands, her night dress on the floor.

"Hey, undress, you too!" she whispered. Goku used his special speed and was naked just after, his short on the night dress. His finger tenderly brushed Chichi's skin and explored her body, slowly, nicely. She kissed him again, and took his head in her hands. Their blood began to boil in their veins. In this passion wave, Goku took Chichi on him and just forgot to control his great power. Chichi was oppress against Goku's chest and was suddenly airless. Like Goku seemed to not feel her little knocks, she bit his thumb to get free. He delivered her, confused. A few time passed in silence. Goku hesitated, watching his wife without move. Then, Goku slipped his arm around her wraist and gently kissed her neck and shoulders. Chichi smiled, passed her fingers in the dark thick hair of Goku, encircled his hips with her legs and closed her eyes, the heart ready to explose. Goku let his instincts act and just took care to not hurt Chichi.

Together, they went to Hell and Paradise, fieries. They were only one, in perfect harmony, their bodies was united, they had only one breath. Finally, after a storm of passion and love, they felt asleep together, Chichi snuggle up to Goku. The sheets was on the floor, falling in themost hot moment…

Next morning, just when the sun became to grow up in the sky, they opened their eyes at the same moment, Chichi smiled and gently said "I love you, Goku.". "I love you too, Chichi.". And he kissed her again…

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