Good Bye, Chichi…

Goku has come as soon as Pan told him about Chichi's bad health, five days ago. Chichi was seriously sick, in factshe was dying. After so many years of absence, Goku wasback to take care of his wife. He was very worry: senzus didn't work, it was a heart problem, and it was mortal.She couldn't be resuscitate with Dragon Balls, because it would be a natural death…

When Goku arrived, Chichi had seemed to feel better, but two days later, she had a relapse and never felt good again. Now, everything was lost and she was probably living her last moments.

"I never thought that I would lose my mind
That I could control this
Never thought that I'd be left behind
That I was stronger than you, baby
Girl if only I knew what I've done
You know, so why don't you tell me
And I,
I would bring down the moon and the sun
To show how much I care"

Goku was alone in the bedroom, looking at Chichi, lying down on the bed. She seemed asleep, but he felt her pain.Regularly, he passed a serviette on her forehead, he gently brushed her check…

- If only I knew what to do to give you a good health… I was supposed to stay with you, and take care of our family, during all those years when I wasn't there… I'm sorry, Chichi. I know you wanted a better husband than me…-

He remembered her anger, every time that he wanted to train Gohan, and her perpetual anxieties about their son's education. But he also remembered her foolproof fidelity. He didn't spare her, but she stayed, and waited him, so many times, when he just thought about training and fighting. She came to the budoukai for marry him, she let him go for Namek with their five-years-old son, she let him train with Gohan and Piccolo for their fight against the cyborgs, she never get marry again when he was death or faraway…

You are an incredible woman, sadly whispered Goku.Don't die! I'll stay with you, but don't die! You can win against that disease… Chichi… Please…

"Don't wanna lose you now
Baby, I know we can win this
Don't wanna lose you now
No no, or even again
I've got this feeling you're not gonna stay
It's burning within me
The fear of losing
Of slipping away
It just keeps getting closer, baby
Whatever reason to leave that I've had
My place was always beside you
And I wish that I didn't need you so bad
Your face just won't go away"

Emotion wrapped the old fighter's hearth-because even Saïyans are old someday-. He took Chichi's hand, pressedit on his forehead and closed his eyes. He has been sorarely with her, he has been the worst husband, an egoistfanatic of danger, a heartless man ready to all sacrificejust for his fight's passion. He was so sorry, now!

In the living room, Gohan was waiting, with Videl, Pan and Goten. Time passed, slowly but too fast in the same time.

Goku saw some images in his mind, remembering somemoments… The little and cute Chichi, who asked him in marriage, the angry young woman who find him many yearslater, and the lovely wife… Her anger when he proposed tolearn fight to a little Gohan, who had to study. Herbeautiful smile and her shining eyes when Gohan get marry.Her worry when their little boy left for Namek… He remembered her perfume, her laugh… And so more…

A tear ran on the check of Goku, who was trembling…

"I never thought that I would lose my mind
That I could control this
Never thought that I'd be left behind
That I was stronger than you"

Goku suddenly opened his eyes. Chichi did too and fixed him, with a look so full of love and sadness that Goku get more worry.

- Chichi…She had a little small, but rapidly closed her eyes because of the pain she had. She was deathly pale.

- Be quiet, gently said Goku, with a trembling voice.You must sleep again and after you'll feel better.

- No… Goku, I… I wanted… To say that… I love you…Goku…

- Chichi… I love you too, you know! I know that I've beenvery…

- Shh… You've been so perfect… You were the perfect husband… My… Dear love… Goku…

Her hand felt on the bed. Chichi sighed, and it was her last sigh. She was now death.

- No… Chichi… No, please…

He was sitting against the bed, the head hide in his arms, and he cried. He cried even after all those absence and careless' years, when he didn't really thought about his family. He cried because, on his own way, he loved her.

"Don't want to lose to loneliness
Girl I know we can win
Don't wanna lose to emptiness, oh no
Never again"


P.S. If you want to know, I used the song "Don't WannaLose You Now"

From : Backstreet Boys.
Album : Millenium

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