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Coming to Terms

It was a cold December day. Bulma Briefs and Son Chi-chi were enjoying a hot cup of tea in Bulma’s luxurious Capsule Corporation mansion. Down the hall, sounds of a fierce battle echoed throughout the whole house. Vegeta and Son Goku were both trying to kick the crap out of each other without killing each other. Back in the living room, Bulma was trying to uphold a conversation, but found it rather one-sided.

“ So, how are things?”

“Eh.” Muttered Chi-chi with a shrug of her shoulders.

“Cold weather we’re having, huh? I’m expecting it to snow any day now.”

“Yeah.” Chi-chi sighed and took a long sip of her tea.

“Well, when it does,” said Bulma, brightening up, “ Me and Vegeta are going to the mountains for the weekend. Should be nice getting away from this place, and the kids. I pushed them off onto my parents for the weekend whatever one it is.”

Chi-chi seemed to get angrier with every word Bulma said. Finally Bulma ventured to say, “ Chi-chi what’s wrong?”

“ Bulma, the only thing that’s in my life is a person.”


“Guess, no prizes for winning.”


“Well, you hit the nail on the head!”

“But Chi-chi, why? How?”

Chi-chi made a face of disgust.

“ Bulma how can you ask that? I don’t exist to him. I’m just the perfect housewife, demure, doesn’t ask how, when, why, or anything for that matter. It pisses me off, damn it! I’m his wife, not his frickin maid. And what about our boys? I’ve raised them practically by myself. All Goku did was take them off to battles where they could get themselves killed! And they loved him for that! Even more than me! God, I had to give up me being a warrior, and I loved it. Everyone told me, ‘Oh, just settle down and work in the home. It’s not so bad.’ Why did I listen to them? Oh God.’

But what’s even worse than that is the pity I get from people. I’m just wasting away, so depressed, that I depend on Goku for everything. It’s not like that at all! I’ve learned a while back to be independent. It helps a lot to slip into that loner character, and not care. But no one notices. I’ve tried to talk to my dad and the only thing he says is, ‘Come on Chi-chi, Goku’s so good to you. He’s saved this world so many times, you’ve seen all he’s done.’ It’s amazing how he can do the greatest of things for perfect strangers, but nothing for me! Damn it!”

Chi-chi collapsed onto a chair, her face flushed with anger, her black eyes glittering with rage. There was a pause, and finally Bulma whispered, “ Chi-chi what are you going to do?”

Chi-chi laughed and replied, “ I don’t know Bulma. Just keep on managing, huh? Bullshit to that! I’ll leave Bulma, go off somewhere for a while, be by myself for a while, it’ll help. Plus it won’t be that much different from now, except no frickin chores to do.”

Down in the gravity room, Vegeta heard Chi-chi’s angry voice. He turned to Goku and said, “ Kakarott, go check on your mate. She’s in her bitch mode again.”

Goku gave Vegeta a dirty look, and ran out of the room.

“Whoa!” muttered Vegeta after Goku was out of earshot. “ If looks could kill, man.”

Back in the living room Bulma was trying to calm Chi-chi down. Chi-chi, however, was becoming more furious by the minute.

“ But Chi-chi, how can you just leave? We would all miss you!”

“ Oh, it’s easy Bulma. I’m sure you’d all get along fine without me.” Chi-chi’s voice was dripping with sarcasm.

“ What will you say to Goku.”

“Hey, Chi-chi what’s going on?” Goku stood in the threshold of the door.

Chi-chi looked back to Bulma, smiled, and said, “ This is what I’ll say to him.”

Chi-chi turned and walked to where Goku was standing. She looked straight into his eyes and yelled out, “ FUCK YOU!!”

Goku stood there open mouthed, in complete shock, “ What?!”

“ You heard me. I said fuck you.”

“Huh, what, wh-?”

“Fuck you, and your fighting, and the way you treat me, the way you don’t give a damn about me, our “marriage”, everything! Just FUCK YOU!”

Chi-chi reached for her cup of tea, and threw it onto Goku’s face. Then she ran out of the room, out of the house. Goku’s eyes followed her, and saw that some glittery, sparkling things flew from Chi-chi’s dark eyes.

“She’s crying,” he thought, “ Why don’t I go after her? Why aren’t I moving? Oh damn it what have I done to her?”

Outside in the cold December weather Son Chi-chi hopped into her car, and drove away as fast as she could.


Disclaimer: The DBZ characters are mine! Get over it!

Real disclaimer: I don’t own any of them, the plots, or anything. I wish I did though (sigh).

Author’s note: This is my retake on the timeless story plot of Chi-chi gets mad at Goku for whatever reason(s), they talk, Goku does some wonderful thing to prove his undying love, and they get back together stronger than before. But since my mind functions in a different way, it shall take some time, and not be exactly along those lines. I think I might write a pretty long one, guys. But if you have any questions, comments, ideas, or even flames ( hehehe beware though) send them to me PLEASE!!! Thanks for your time and patience with this note. ~_^