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No More Tears


One night, Goten and Trunks are in the forest fooling around, to pass the time before dinner. But then, there's a streak in the sky that crash lands. Trunks discovers it's a Saiya-jin spacecraft. Then, odd things start happening. A new girl comes to school, who seems to have an eye out for Trunks. Not to mention when those dreams he's having start to come true, and Goten sees this new girl when one of these dreams come true. Could this all be linked together? Or is it just a luck of the draw?

Note:This story takes place after DBZ and before GT. Some of the names will be translated, some won't, so hang in with me! Also, this story isn't for the little kids.

The chirping of cricket echoed in the crisp night air as the forest was bathed in the silver moonlight. The leaves rustled from a slight breeze that swept through the trees. A young boy with bright purple hair gazes around, his blue eyes searching the landscape. He was searching for something... No, someone. But what? What could it be? Who could it be?
He leaped into the air and landed on a tree branch. There was someone out there, and he could wait the rest of the night if he wanted to. It was only a matter of waiting, before that certain someone would mess up.
A flash of black and blue appeared. The someone had messed up. The young boy crouched, and lunged. He sailed through the air, before coming down ontop of his victim. There was a moment of silence, before the Saiya-jin cried out, "Gotcha!!"
"YAAAHH!!" Goten cried out.
The two fell to the ground and tumbled head over heels. They tumbled down a hill, sending moths and crickets scattering everywhere. The two boys stopped tumbling at the bank of the river, laughing.
"Got off!" Goten shoved his best friend off of him, and panted heavily.
Trunks grinned, and stared up at the sky, his hands behind his head. His eyes had already adjusted to the darkness, so he had no trouble seeing the exhausted look on his friends face. He chuckled quietly at this, and sat up grinning.
"Tired, Goten?"
"What!? No way! I'm not tired! Just hungry. That's all."
The Saiya-jin Prince chuckled, and muttered, "A bottomless pit like his father... Must run in the family." Goten scowled and punched him on the arm. Trunks just laughed, and sat up. He stared quietly at the stars, dazzled by their beauty. He sighed softly and blinked. Something flashed through the sky. It was heading towards Earth!
"Goten! Goten! Do you see that!?"
The Saiya-jin boy narrowed his eyes and stared at it. There was a bright flash of light as, whatever it was, crashed into the nearby meadow. Deer and other animals scattered in fright.

"Goku! Goten! Dinner time!" ChiChi called out while she plopped the last pot onto the dinner table. She counted quietly under her breath, and Goku came running in on time.
"Hi ChiChi! Dinner already? Boy, it smells good!" He sat down in his chair and started to pile rice onto his plate. "Time sure does fly when you're training!"
"Where's Goten? He's going to be late for dinner!"
Goku shrugged and started to inhale his food. ChiChi slapped his hand.
"Goku! Save some food for Vegeta and his family!"
"Vegeta and Bulma are coming over?" Goku asked, food flying from his mouth.
"That's right, Kakkarotto." Vegeta snorted as he walked through the door. "And where are your manners? You're a disgra.."
"What smells good, ChiChi!?" Bulma butted in, cutting off her husband.
"Oh, some rice and soy sauce. Rice balls, dumplings."
"You really outdid yourself, ChiChi." Goku smiled, offering the family some chairs.
Bra looked around, wondering where Goten and her older brother was. She had a major crush on Goten, and no one seemed to notice. Well, no one but Marron and Trunks. Those two always figured things out...
"Sit down, Bra." Bulma said sweetly to her daughter.
"Oh, I'm sorry mom!" She sat down quickly.
Vegeta looked at the two empty seats and frowned. "Where's Trunks and that boy of yours, Kakarotto?"
Goku shrugged. "I have no idea.."
ChiChi bit her lower lip in worry, while Goku continued on.
"They said they were going to be out in the forest for a little bit. It's been over an hour though.."
"Well, I don't see why Vegeta and Goku can go get the boys." ChiChi said, sounding more cheered up, yet still worried.
"Alright ChiChi." Goku said, getting up from his chair.
"I agree ChiChi. Vegeta! Go help Goku!"
"I do not take orders..." Vegeta began.
"I know! I know! 'I don't take orders from humans.' Well, Vegeta! I'm your wife and you will do as I say!! NOW GO AND FIND YOUR SON!!" Bulma screamed.
"Mom.. May I go?" Bra asked. She wanted to find Goten.
"No, Bra. You stay here."
"Oh.. Alright.."
Vegeta scowled and slumped out of the house, after Goku. He shoved his hands into his pockets. He hated to be told what to do. He was the new Saiya-jin King, after all. He shouldn't take orders from his wife! He should be the one making orders!
Goku glanced back at Vegeta and thought to himself, That is one battle Vegeta will never win.. The battle between him and his wife.. They're perfect for each other. He smiled to himself.
"What are you smiling about, Kakkarotto!?"
"Oh.. Nothing Vegeta."
He snarled, and stopped at the sight of scattering animals. Smoke was coming from a place in the forest, in the meadow. He jumped into the air and took off flying. Goku noticed this too, and flew after Vegeta, afraid that his son and his best friend could be in trouble.

To Be Continued..

You can e-mail Lori Crowl @