Marron's Sacrifice-Trunks

By: Val

Four months. Already four months since Marron was dead, since Trunks' life had started to turn into a real nightmare. First he thought that Marron's death had liberated his love for Pan, but soon he'd realized that it hadn't. His love belonged to her, and only her, Marron. But she was dead.

For the first weeks, he seemed to feel not too bad, because he felt more in love with Pan and had confidence in this love. But after a while, he noticed that he was getting bored with the young girl, even though he still liked her. He slowly began to prefer to be alone... Even Goten was put apart. Everybody started to worry about him. Because Trunks wasn't able to work at the Capsule Corporation anymore, Bulma returned behind the desk. After one month and a half, Trunks and Pan's love was over.

Trunks was passing all his time in his bedroom, listening sad music, watching love movies… He was depressive and nobody knew how to help him. He wasn't hungry anymore (and for a Saiya-jin, it's something), he was interested by nothing, he didn't want to see anybody… Alone in his dark bedroom, he started to talk to himself. Sometimes, Bra was hearing him during the night, when even Vegeta had stop training.

- Life is a so stupid thing. We can die so easily. I'm one of the strongest person on this pityful planet and I couldn't save someone from the fire. Why didn't I try, at least? I could have save her! Why did I train so hard if it was for nothing? I'm a dumb ass. I should have die, not her. I'm no use here… I could have saved her, I know…

And so on. Bra was terrified sometimes by what he was saying, but didn't talk about it with Bulma : the poor woman was so busy with the Capsule Corp., she didn't need anymore stress. Bra told Goten and Pan, but any of them knew what to do.

One morning, Trunks had passed another night awake. He was desperate. He needed Marron. Thinking about her like that was driving him crazy but he didn't knew what to do else. It was so painful, so hard…

Suddenly he remembered about something. He dressed up quickly, searched something in his bedroom, finally found it, and left the house by the window, flying. He was flying fast and soon was where he wanted to be: just where Marron had die. It was colder now, he realized, and quite sad. He sighted, walked around a few minutes.

- Marron, my love… Here you died… It was my fault… I should have been able to save you… I didn't know how much you counted for me, but now I do. I regret, I regret so much, Marron… I know how it is, up there. You don't know what's going on here…

Trunks looked at the sky. Cold, grey, just like his heart. He sighted and searched the little capsule in his pocket. It was containing his old sword. He wanted to die by transpiercing his heart with his sword. But his hand was shacking heavily.

"Should I… Can I?"

He was all trembling, because of the fear more than the cold wind.

"I need her, if I want to be with her I must die… But… Something… Isn't right… Maybe I should wait… I'll see her anyway… But I want to see her now! I… I don't know what to do… Mom, Bra, Goten, even dad… They maybe need me somehow. Maybe they'll be sad and… They will, of course, they'll be, I know it. They're my family and friends. They lost Marron too, they don't need another pain like this. But… Marron… I can't live without her… I… I just don't know what I should do…"

He fell on his knees. His sword fell beside him, shinning, ready to cut, to hurt, to kill… He staid like this a long time, hesitating, shaking… Tears were falling on his hands, on his knees, on the ground. He was heavily crying, heavily shaking, desperately confused. Like if all the pain of his life had fell on his shoulders, like if all his problems were trying to strangling him… Trunks finally stopped crying, he slowly got up, his sword in his hand. He was still shaking and thought that he couldn't stand on his legs a very long time. He raised the sword high over his heart.

- Am I doing the right thing?

His heart was hurting, his head too, he was trembling, he was losing in his mind, he was crying, he wanted to die but he didn't felt right.

- Marron… I should have saved you that night… I wouldn't be here now… I… I love you but… I don't know…


Dende was staring at Piccolo. The older Namek was looking down on Earth since a while, but Dende didn't want to disturb him and was simply waiting.

- Trunks, finally grumbled Piccolo. That baka is about to kill himself.

- WHAT? screamed Dende. Trunks? Why don't you go and stop him?

- Because it's not my business. And he's hesitating. I don't think he'll kill himself. He can't.

- You might be right, but… If he does, Vegeta will kill you because you knew it and you did nothing…

- … He won't anyway.

- … I hope so…


A little purple-haired boy was running in front of his parents. The headstones were all the same, but some were bigger or smaller, some had more flowers than others… The two adults slowly walked to one, where the little boy was placing some red roses.


The following…


And the other one…


And finally the last one…


The woman waited patiently after her son and then took three of his flowers to put one on each of the others headstones. She was slowly returning to Trunks' one when another woman arrived.

- Pan, said the first woman, immediately recognizing her old friend.

- Bra, said Pan, sadly smiling. Are you ok? You look so tired…

- It's nothing, I'm fine… I just need a little more sleep.

- Hi, Goten.

- Hi, said Goten, watching his son playing around.

- It was a long time ago, huh? Trunks, Marron…

- It's so sad, murmured Bra. Just four months after Marron, Trunks. And a few times later, mom. And Krilin, not even one year later. It's…

- Awful, sighted Pan. At least you still have your father and your boyfriend! And you got a cute little boy too.

- And soon a little girl, smiled Goten. My beloved Bra-chan is pregnant!

- Congratulations! How will you call her?

- Bulma… said Bra with a shaking voice. I'm sure she gonna look just like mom.

- Well, Gosun already looks like Trunks, you know…

They all look at the little boy, who was looking so much like Trunks that it was sometimes hard for them.

Bra touched her brother's headstone with her fingertips: on the marble, a sword was graved. She remembered the reaction of her parents when Piccolo had told them about what happened. Bulma just turned white and started crying without a sound. Vegeta contracted all his muscles and didn't move. After a few seconds, he started yelling after Piccolo, but no one had understood a single word. Bra had just tried to understand what "Trunks transpired himself with his sword" could mean…

Bulma had been so hurt by her son's death that she died a few time later, of a natural heart disease. Vegeta didn't try to comfort his daughter, he was just training more, and sometimes he was living the Capsule Corp. for days. So Bra turned to Goten. They were closer then ever…

Krilin was old, the lost of his daughter and of an old friend had killed him. C-18 was supporting it well, but she looked very sad and very lonely. But no one would ever take pity of her.

Goku had been very sad at his friends' death, everybody had been affected. It was so awful…

Goten left the two women to get his son, who had left the place. Pan put an arm around Bra's shoulders.

- It's ok, you know, you can cry.

- It's stupid. It was eight years ago, Pan! And I still need to cry when I come here.

- It's normal, your brother and your mother are here, and you miss them a lot. There is nothing wrong.

- Mom! I got a flower for you!

Gosun, laughing, jumped in her arms, put a wild flower on her face, laughed a little more, kissed her on the check and left her arms, to jumped into his father's one.

- Thanks, honey… It's beautiful.

- It's time to go, Bra, said Goten. Mom wants us at four…

- Ok, I come… Bye, Pan.

- Bye, said Pan.

The little family left.

Pan, alone in front of her ex-broyfriend's headstone, suddenly felt like if the time had stop. She wished everybody could be there, Trunks, Marron, Bulma and Krilin… She wished she had been the one Trunks had loved. She wished she was dead too, she'd be with him…

- Oooh… Stop thinking about that, stupid me, she said. Dying is not a result, it's just something bad and sad. Not for me!

She put flowers on the headstones and left. She had to be at her grandmother's house at four o'clock too…


Note of the author: E-MAIL ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!

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