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Goten's Short -n- Sweet Fic

Disclaimer: Me no own, no make profit, you no sue. Ok?

Author’s Note: The title is actually what it is. This is one of my many short n sweet fics. Enjoy!

“Please, please, please,” Goten pleaded with his older brother.

“I told you, Goten, I can’t. I have to finish these book reports for school,” Gohan said, turning the page of his book.

Goten hopped down on the couch beside his brother. “Then, I’ll just stay in here with you.” He crossed his arms.

Gohan couldn’t help but smile to himself. “You can still go outside and play without me, you know.”

“But, it won’t be any fun without you. I don’t like playing alone.” Goten wedged his way under Gohan’s book and looked his brother in the eye. “Please,”

ChiChi looked up from her dishes. “Goten,” she shouted, “leave your brother alone. He has work to do.”

Goten’s little heart sank. “All right.” He slowly backed his way out from underneath Gohan’s book and walked out of the room.

Wasn’t that cute? I love writing about Goten when he’s little. I would really like it if some one would pick up from here with a fanfic. Heck, I might even throw in a prize for doing it.

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