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Metamorphosis MAJIN!!

Son Chi-chi was taking a early afternoon nap, after having cleaned the house top to bottom, checked Goten’s homework top to bottom, and prepared the twenty chickens needed to amply feed two Super Saiyans. Suddenly the ringing of the telephone rudely awakened her. Chi-chi got up groggily, and answered, “Moshi-moshi, Son residence.”

“CHI-CHI! Help!” Bulma’s distressed voice came on the line.

“Bulma, what is it? What’s wrong?”

“It’s Goku. Somehow he’s turned Majin!”

“Majin, Goku??” Those two words just didn’t belong in the same sentence.

“Yes! He’s taken out Vegeta, Goten, Trunks, Krillen, and Juuhachi- gou, Piccolo, even Gohan!”

“All of them?! That’s not possible!”

“Yes, Chi-chi! You must do something, you’re the only one who can save us!”

“Me, how? I’m not as powerful as I was, and no where near Goku’s level.”

“Chi-chi, you’re his wife! You can talk to him!”

Suddenly Chi-chi heard another voice.

“Oh, trying to escape me, huh Bulma? Well, the Prince demands that you shall join him, now. And I can’t disobey and order from my Prince, can I?”

That voice. She knew it. It almost sounded like Goku’s voice. But the was something wrong with it, the innocence gone, the compassion gone. She almost cried at the sound of it, the sound of the evil that had taken her husband.


There was a click at the other end of the line, and the sound of dead air filled her ear.

“But, how can I help? I’m not the warrior I once was. Oh, but why Goku? WHY?”

Chi-chi sat on her bed, and stared into the mirror. She saw tears creeping down her flushed cheeks, and her black eyes were clouded with sorrow.

“Oh, Kami! What can I do?”

“Chaya-leh, don’t cry my dear. There is hope, you shall come through this.”

Chi-chi felt another presence in the room. She looked into the mirror, but saw nothing. Then she turned around.

“AEEEEEHH! Who are you?”

“Chaya-leh, don’t you recognize me?”

Chi-chi turned to face a woman. She was the mirror image of Chi-chi, the same coal black eyes, the same jet-black hair, and strangely there was a great power emanating from her. But something in her kind, beautiful face made Chi-chi trust her.

“Chaya-leh? Recognize you? I don’t even remember meeting you and my name is Chi-chi not Chaya-leh!”

“Chaya-leh, of course, how could you remember me?”

The apparition softly laughed. “ You were just a child when I died.”

Suddenly a wave of truth washed over Chi-chi. “Mother?”

“Yes, Chaya-leh.”

“Adiana, my mother? MOTHER? I..”

“Shh, there is no time Chaya-leh. I must be brief, for you have a difficult battle ahead.”

“Why do you call me Chaya-leh?”

“I will explain all, my child. First of all, I named you Chaya-leh. In our language, it means Warrior of Light. You see, I am born of a warrior race called the Ayadans. We are a special people, Chaya-leh. We rank among the most powerful people in the entire cosmos, and in some ways are quite similar to Saiyans. We share the same desire to fight, a “sixth-sense” in battle. And most important of all, the legend of the Chosen. As with the Super Saiyan, the Chosen comes along every thousand years. She is the most powerful of our people. You, Chaya-leh are the chosen.”

“Me? How?”

“Chaya-leh, I’ve watched you. You don’t realize it, but great power is hidden within you. Chaya-leh, you are the only one who can return the Super Saiyan to the light. Give me your hand.”

Chi-chi obligingly gave her mother her hand.

“I will awaken the power within you child! Now!”

Chi-chi gasped as the power ran through her body. She felt herself change, physically and mentally.

“It is done. Look at yourself, child.”

Chi-chi looked into a mirror and gasped Her clothes had changed. Instead of the matronly purple dress and boots she usually wore, she was adorned in a sleeveless olive green shirt that cut off at her stomach. She wore a burgundy dyed skirt that ended at mid-thigh. The clothes were made of a strange material, wool-like in texture, but soft and very free. On her back there was a sword sheath, but with no sword. And the power, oh the power coursing through her every vein, filling her soul, entering her mind. She turned to her mother.

“Mother, what is this?”

“Chaya-leh, this is the traditional dress of our people. It looks most becoming on you. Oh my, you have become my beautiful woman-child. But you are missing a sword. Here I shall provide one for you.”

Adiana raised her hand, and a blinding white light flashed. When the light faded, she grasped a beautiful sword in her hand. The blade was pure steel and the point true. The handle was adorned with a single white crystal, which gleamed brighter than a million moons. In the center of the crystal was a sapphire star. It was even more beautiful weapon than the Nyoi Bo was.

“Chaya-leh, take your sword, the sword of the Chosen!’’

“Mother, I will not fail!”

“Go my Chaya-leh, may you fight with honor!”

Chi-chi ran out of the door, and out of the house. When she reached the open, Chi-chi sprang into flight toward the distant Capsule Corporation.

Adiana took one last look at her beautiful daughter, the Chosen warrior, Chaya-leh, and faded to return to heaven.


Chaya-leh flew far and fast. Finally, she reached Capsule Corporation.

It was a waste. The building lay in pieces around her. She saw a makeshift shelter to the right of a chunk of fallen masonry. That’s probably where everyone else was, Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Vegeta, Juuhachi-gou, Krillen, Piccolo, and Bulma were. She went over to join them.

“Do you sense that?” Vegeta’s head lifted, and he gave the impression of a dog catching a scent in the wind.

“Yes, it’s an enormous power. I hope it’s not Goku, we can’t survive another attack by him,” Trunks said. Gohan and Goten both nodded their heads in agreement, as did Krillen. Piccolo never stirred from the spot where he was meditating.

Bulma turned away from the stew she was cooking, to say, “Maybe, it’s Chi-chi. I asked her to come help us.”

Vegeta faced his mate, “Are you crazy, woman? Kakarott’s mate fights worse than Yajirobe!”

“Yeah, Bulma. Mom’s not a warrior any more, what could she possibly do to help us?” Gohan shook his head.

“Oniisan’s right, Bulma.” Goten spoke up.

“Right,” Trunks corroborated.

Chaya-leh had heard all of this conversation. She smiled to herself, and flew into the camp.

“Well, Gohan, there’s plenty I can do. Most important, I can turn your father back to being a good little Super Saiyan.”

“Kaasan? What are you doing here?” Gohan looked thoroughly confused.

“Kaasan, what’s up with the new duds?” Asked Goten.

“I’ll explain everything later, just tell me what happened,” Chi-chi stated. “ Right now, I need to know just one thing. Where’s Goku?”

“He’s over about 5 miles away from here, in that field. But, what are you going to do? Hit him over the head with that pitiful frying pan?” Vegeta smirked as he finished speaking.

Chaya-leh gave him a cold look, “ Quiet, I’m capable of doing much more, and you know that. You all must have sensed my ki a while ago. You are not my superior any more, in fact you never were, but now I am the most powerful. You are all beaten and battered. That’s absolutely no fighting condition. I’m going out there to save your asses, even your sorry one. So be grateful, and shut your mouth.” Vegeta’s only response was to give Chaya-leh a smirk, then go over to help Bulma with her stew.

There was a slight lull. Then Gohan broke the silence, “ Kaasan, are you sure you want to do this? It’s not Tousan that we’re fighting; he’s been taken over. This is an extremely hard ordeal.”

“Yeah, I think our little Saiyan friend bumped himself on the head again. And be careful, this time he actually uses his head for more than a hat rack,” Piccolo finally spoke.

“So, the Namek stirs. I would have thought you could have talked some sense into him, you’ve known him the longest, save only Bulma,” Chaya-leh said.

“Not a snowball’s chance in hell of that! He’s not the same, as Gohan said. Goku’s been taken over pretty bad. But if you’re going to fight him, I suggest you hurry before he goes off and decides to destroy Australia.”

“All right. See you all later. I won’t fail you.” Chaya-leh prepared to fly off to the field. Suddenly Goten spoke up, “ Kaasan, do you want to take the Nyoi Bo?”

“ Oh, Goten, sweetie, I’m all set with my sword! But thank you any way. Oh, and when I get back I’ll expect you to have finished your math and science homework!”

As Chaya-leh took off into the sky Krillen remarked, “ Well, she hasn’t changed that much.”

The warriors all stood up and gazed at Chaya-leh’s form until she disappeared into the horizon.


Chaya-leh reached the meadow in less than 2 minutes. When she came, she was overwhelmed by the awesome power that attacked her senses. She knew it was Goku immediately, and set off to find exactly where he was. Chaya-leh landed and walked carefully across the field. Suddenly a wild shock of messy black hair came into view. Chaya-leh smiled a little. Turning Majin hadn’t affected Goku’s wacky hairstyle at all. Suddenly, he turned around, and Chaya-leh saw Goku’s distorted face. His mouth was turned into a frightening, evil smile. His whole face seemed to be paler, but his eyes were the worst. They were cruel, and the light behind them was gone. His whole personage seemed to radiate evil.

He called to her, “Who are you and what are you doing here?”

Chaya-leh flinched inwardly at the sound of it.

“Goku, it’s me,” She replied.

“Oh, Chi-chi. What are you doing here? Did the Earth’s weakling forces send you?”


“Wow, they must really be desperate!” Goku laughed, and it was a cold-blooded laugh.

“Don’t be so sure. Now, do you want to fight, or what?”

“My you’re a spunky little girl, aren’t you? Fine, I’ll humor you and “fight”.”

“Let’s get it on!”

Chaya-leh began to power up. Her aura of power turned from a bright blue to a blinding white. Her eyes flickered from her normal color black to a sapphire blue, and her hair kept changing from black to silver.

Goku looked the tiniest bit shocked. Chaya-leh saw it and she smirked. Her body, without her knowing it, was going into battle mode. Chaya-leh’s senses heightened, she became stronger, and faster. Her endurance level skyrocketed. She turned to Goku and they both flew at each other. They met in mid air and the battle for earth began. Goku and Chaya-leh exchanged series of kicks and punches. Suddenly, Chaya-leh began to gain the upper hand. She landed five kicks in Goku’s face, and three punches in his stomach. Finally she sent him crashing into the ground with one powerful roundhouse kick. Then she set back into defensive.

As the dust cleared, she saw the crater Goku made when he crashed.

“Shit! Look at the size of that thing!” she remarked out loud. But as her eyes focused in, there was no one in the crater. Suddenly she turned around, only to be greeted by a fist around her throat.

“Well, that was certainly impressive. I’m proud of you; you’ve seemed to have graduated past smacking people with a frying pan.

Very good,” Goku said, and gave her a cold smirk. Chaya-leh stared deep into those black, cold, cruel eyes. She searched into them, trying to find a remnant of the old Goku, then man she had fallen in love with, the man she loved more than life. Suddenly a she saw a flicker of light. It was brief, but she was sure she had seen it. That light was a sign that there was still hope for Goku.

Goku’s finger slowly traced the outline of Chi-chi’s face.

“Are you giving up already?”

“No, not a chance in hell,” she replied.

“Oh well. Time to die now, pretty lady!”

Chi-chi looked at him, and then spit in his face. “I’ll never lose to you, beast. Everyone in the world is expecting me to kick your pitiful Saiyan ass, and I’m not going to disappoint them!”

“ You dirty bitch!”

He flung her up into the air and sent a fiery blast of energy to chase after her. Luckily, Chaya-leh had expected this. (You don’t watch 125 episodes of DragonBallZ without learning something!) She quickly turned 180 degrees, but just barely missed the blast.

“Wow, close call.”

Goku looked up at the diminishing dust cloud, where he thought Chaya-leh was. Suddenly he felt a hard, sharp pain in his back that made him keel over. Chaya-leh had driven her elbow into the small of Goku’s back. Seeing this moment of weakness, she dove in for another attack. But a blackened aura of energy stopped her in her tracks. Goku was turning Super Saiyan. But this was a deformed Super Saiyan form. His muscles grew bigger, and he actually grew fangs. Instead of his eyes turning emerald green, they became a sickening red. His hair wasn’t pure gold; it was tarnished like a disgusting mold that had gotten rid of the gold.

He spoke, “Surprised? Don’t be, you knew inside you this wouldn’t work. Now you pay the high price of death.”

Chaya-leh inwardly flinched. How could she defeat a Majin Super Saiyan? But before she had time to form a plan of defense, Goku disappeared right in front of her eyes. The next thing Chaya-leh knew was pain. Shear pain, ripping through her body, making her collapse. Chaya-leh floated down to the ground and landed without a sound. Suddenly, she saw Goku’s large body towering over her head. She couldn’t quite make out his words, only two. Death and goodbye. She saw his palm spread out, and saw sparks of energy gather in his hand. She whispered one word only, “Don’t.” Goku hesitated. His eyes flickered back to the emerald green and his hair to gold. IN his eyes she could see the conflict between Majin and Purity. She knew it was because of the love they had the bond they shared. Suddenly a familiar voice cried out, “Don’t kill my Kaasan, monster!”

It was Gohan. Gohan with the Nyoi Bo. Gohan’s voice had shaken Goku out of his daze. He turned on Gohan and the two began fighting again. Gohan slashed at Goku with the Nyoi Bo. Goku ducked, grabbed the Nyoi Bo, and yanked it out of Gohan’s hands. Gohan blasted hundreds of small energy at Goku. They all seemed to hit Goku, and create a huge cloud of energy burn off. But Goku was still there. He attacked Gohan viciously, punching his first born into a pulp. Fists into Gohan’s stomach his back, and his face. Gohan fell to the ground. When Chaya-leh saw this she screamed.


Suddenly a ghost of a voice came to her from the clouds, “Chaya-leh, transform, my child! You know what you must do, now complete your mission!”

Chaya-leh got up.


She screamed a warrior’s battle cry, and then her life was changed forever. Her eyes changed from coal black to sapphire blue, her hair changed from jet-black to radiant silver. Her power was unimaginable. She turned to Goku, who was laughing at Gohan’s battered body. He saw her and did a double take. Suddenly Chi-chi rushed at him. She punched him countless times, flipped and kicked him. Then she unsheathed her sword. The crystal glowed, and the star became a window to the heavens. She swung it around in the air twice and the sword glowed with a holy light. She brought it upon Goku’s head. A blazing white light surrounded the two and it felt as if there was a struggle between good and evil itself. Then a dying scream was heard, as if a tomb was closing down on an evil creature of the night. Gohan stirred from the spot where he was down. “Oh, my head. Hey, where’s Tousan and Kaasan?” Then he saw then. Chaya-leh saw sitting near a bed of wild flowers that were common in the field. When the dust blew away, he saw something on her lap. It was Goku. He was asleep. Chaya-leh stroked his wild black hair. She saw Gohan and acknowledged him with a smile.

“Kaasan, is he..?”

“No, sweetie. He’s just tired. Being Majin takes a lot out of you.”

“He’s back to normal?”

“Yup, I do good work, huh? And you all thought I was a weakling. By the way, thank you for coming. It really helped me out.”

“No problem Kaasan. You know, it’s gonna be really cool to have to have a warrior for a Kaasan.”

“Yes, I’ll take fries with that. Ohhh.”

“Well, he’s waking up,” remarked Chaya-leh.

“Hi Tousan, are you okay?”

“Wow, last time I eat Bulma’s cooking.”

“Ah, we’ve found food that your Tousan doesn’t like. Amazing.”

“Well, who turned me back from Majin?”

“That was me. Surprised, huh?”

“Not at all Chi-chi. I knew you had it in you.”

Chaya-leh smiled at Goku, who grinned back at her. “Gohan, go back to the camp and tell everyone one what happened. Oh, and my name isn’t Chi-chi and more. In fact, it’s truly Chaya-leh. Ask Bulma and Vegeta if Goten can sleep over at Capsule Corp. And tell Videl that we wish her the best. Okay sweetie?”

“Yes, Kaasan. Love you both.”

“And you my son.”

Goku nodded his head in agreement.

Gohan took off in the sky. When he looked back, he smiled. Kaasan was kissing Tousan.

Chaya-leh looked at her love. She smiled and said, “Don’t ever leave me again.”

Goku looked at his beautiful wife, and replied, “Never again. Thank you for bringing me back.”

“Oh, Goku!” she put her head on his chest and started sobbing. “I love you so much.”

“Shh, I love you too, my Chaya-leh.”

Then they kissed again, and watched the sun set in each other’s arms.



“Yes, Kami-sama?”

“Did all go as planned?”

“It sure did.”

“All right! DUDE!”

“YES!” they both exclaimed at once and gave each other high fives.

And in the pool where Kami-sama looked into to watch over Chikyuu, Chaya-leh and Goku were asleep in each other’s embrace.

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