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Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ or its characters. I also don't own Prozzäk or their music. Author's Notes: I can't beleive it, I am writing a fanfic about DBZ's famous love triangle, in a short musical form. I just heard the song, saw the video, and thought that it would fit in! Please, enjoy!

Strange Disease

(Yamcha is standing in front the Son house. He looks miserable. Puar hovers over him.)

Puar: Yamcha, are you okay? Let me guess, another break-up with Bulma?

Yamcha: Yeah, and I think that it's final. She's decided she would rather be with Vegeta.

Puar: (looks shocked) Let's see if Chi-Chi is home and see if she could make you some tea.

(Yamcha knocks on the door. Chi-Chi opens it.)

Chi-Chi: (notices the look on Yamcha's face) Bulma told me all about it. Come in, I could share some tea with you.

(Yamcha and Puar enter the house and sit down with Chi-Chi in the kitchen. Chi-Chi pours them some tea.)

Chi-Chi: Now, Yamcha, what seems to be the matter?

Yamcha: (music starts) "A little sexual frustration, combined with lack of motivation, and a loss of concentration, I've got a strange disease. I can't concentrate on work, my libido's gone berserk, now I'm sweating through my shirt, I've a strange disease. (chorus) Two weeks ago, you said you'd never leave me, and here I am alone. And in this world of reckless happenstance, why do good things have to go away, and leave you with nothing? Ya, you left me with nothing, ah... and a strange disease..."

Puar: "Wee ooo, wee ooo" (music stops)

Chi-Chi: Why don't you tell Bulma what you're going through?

Yamcha: Well, it seems so final.

Chi-Chi: Just give her a call.

(Yamcha picks up the phone and starts to call her.)

Bulma: Hello?

Yamcha: Hey, uh, Bulma.

Bulma: Why are you even calling me?

Yamcha: I just wanted to say that, (music starts) "Hyper emotional sensations, sent via television stations, and unaffected by locations, I've got a strange disease. I can't seem to get to sleep, I don't want nothing to eat, walking up and down your street, I've got a strange disease." (music stops)

Bulma: Yamcha, you know why I broke up with you. You always had to chase after the next pretty face you see. I guess it was my turn, and Vegeta was just there. (music starts) "Why did you have to put on so much pressure on me? You pushed me heart away."

Yamcha: "I didn't mean to scare you little one, is there nothing I can say? Don't leave me with nothing. (Bulma hangs up) Ya, you left me with nothing, ah... and a strange disease..."

Puar: "Wee ooo, wee ooo"

(Instrumental break. Yamcha flashes back to the happy times he and Bulma shared. He suddenly snaps out of it. Music stops.)

Chi-Chi: Thanks for stopping by Yamcha and Puar. But it's starting to rain, I think that you better get home.

Yamcha: Yeah. Thanks for letting me in.

(He and Puar leave, and walk away from the Son house. There are a few drops of water, which gradually turns into a rain shower, as he approaches the Capsule Corp. compound.)

Yamcha: (music starts) "Now I'm standing in the rain. Water soaking through my brain, every droplet speaks your name, and it's driving me insane. I don't wanna go to work, my libido's gone berserk. I don't want nothing to eat, walking up and down your street. (chorus) But only two weeks ago, you said you'd never leave me, and here I am alone. And in this world of reckless happenstance, why do good things have to go away, and leave you with nothing? Ya, you left me with nothing, ah... and a strange disease..."

Puar: "Wee ooo, wee ooo..."

(Music and scene fades as Yamcha and Puar walk away from Capsule Corp.)