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Some things to think about...

Anyone ever notice how Gohan and Goten look almost nothing like their mother?

Or how much Pan looks like her Grand Mother?

Trunks has his fathers hair. One cut can last him forever.(I know I bash Bulma too much, but think about this one.)

Is ChiChi ever told that her husband is “not of this Earth”, or does she just catch on?

Here’s an “If they mated and/or fused” candidate, Cell and Buu.

What is so big about Earth that everyone wants?

Is it Hiya or Higher Dragon?

What does Picollo wear, boxers or briefs?

Two words, “#18” and “baby”…

Exactly how many different timelines did Cell and Future trunks create with their little time machines?

What does “Cha-la, Head Cha-la” mean?

Did Akira Toriyama ever once get bored of his characters?

People say anime characters have big eyes. When was the last time these people looked at a Garfield comic?

Why do Bulma’s parents never age?

Why does Roshi never age?

Why did Picollo stop aging?

Why does the background in Garfield comics change colors from frame to frame?(the funny paper is laying right beside me)

Disney re-does Dragon Ball…Be afraid…

What happened to #17 between being absorbed by Cell and his few frames in Buu?

Garlic Jr. Saga…why?

Where does the Son family get their income?

Ubuu was an adorable kid in the manga then in GT he sorta lost that, was it Goku influence or just heredity?

Why does Chow-Tzu always wear make-up, and why does it not come off?

Why do the Z characters have little if no personal information on them (i.e. birthdays, true age) ?

Lots of animes (is that the right word?) have songs for each of there characters, why not DB/Z/GT?

Why did Krillin think #17 and #18 made a good couple? That’s a little sick.

Hair color and type are hereditary, but aren’t the Saiyans taking it a bit far? (Bardock, Goku, and Goten to name a few.)

In the Freeza Saga, when they made the wish to bring everyone back to life, and all that junk, why was Kurillin not brought back?

Why don’t dubbers just use the “bleep and bar” system of dubbing. If there’s a bad word, bleep it, and if there’s a naughty scene, bar it.

Has Picollo ever tried flavored water? Or maybe Cool-Aid?

When is came time to paint the cells for the Cell saga, why didn’t they make Trunks’ hair blue/green like Bulma’s?

How long could Toriyama have kept the “gotta save the Earth, again” plot going in Dragon Ball without it getting redundant?

How many times can a web master listen to “Heart of Sword”, “Friend”, and “Rhythm Emotion” non-stop before going crazy? (Give me a few days and I’ll tell you ^.^)

Since the subject has popped up, why do anime theme songs (most of the time) have nothing to do with the show? (i.e. Dan Dan from GT)

How many of you out there really do like how FUNimation dubbed Season 3?

Why name a character “ChiChi”? (This one makes more sense if you know what “ChiChi” means.)

In the Gundam dubb, the first season voice actor for ChiChi does Relena, while Gohan’s VA does Noin. (There are a lot more VA’s from Ocean Group who worked on both.) Do you notice the age switch?

How many of these can Jagen write, before she runs out of ideas? Who knows, and for that matter, who cares?

DBZ: Proof that the smart guy isn’t always the hero.

Exactly how long did the fight on Namek last?

ChiChi must have gotten her mother’s looks, because MAN she doesn’t look a thing like her dad.

Wait, what are the possibilities that ChiChi’s adopted? O.O

Whatever happened to Dende’s little brother, or whatever that other kid was?

Why didn’t FUNimation dubb the rest of Dragon Ball before moving on to Z? Then we could have seen the Budoukai where ChiChi struts her stuff.

Why do they not show more female Saiyans? I’m sure there were more than they show.

If you brought a dragon home would your mom let you keep it?

If you brought a Namek home would your mom let you keep it?

What is PoPo?

Does FUNimation has a conscience?

How many stomachs does a Saiyan have? Where do they put all that food?

Who in the world has the patienc