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Hello. This page is for those people who get bored of my page or really want to find out about me. Which ever you are, welcome.

Name- Alison Bailey, call me Jagen

Age- 15 Watch out world, Alison be driving!!

Touce Down Zone- Barbour County, West Virginia, USA

Anime -n- Manga Picks- Hell Teacher Nube(I know not many people know about it, but it's cool),Fushigi Yuugi, DB, Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2, and Kenshin. Anime Faves- DBZ- ChiChi (of course), Trunks, Juunanagou, Piccolo-san, and Yamcha. Sailor Moon- (Yes, I watch it) Lita, Mina, and Artemis. Ranma 1/2- Ryoga, or should I say P-Chan. My favorite movie would have to be Iria.

Hobbies- Writing, Drawing, Listening to the radio, Messing with my friends heads... I'm not much when it comes to sports, but I love to play hockey, volleyball, and football.

Music- I like a lot of music, but country hold it's place at the top, J-Pop is cool too. Even thought I have no idea what they're talking about.

How to conact me- E-Mail-, or I have AOLIM, my name is itsdafly.

Pets- One dog, a beagle named Copper, and two cats, my perrty tabby, Pretty, and my long haired what ever, Puar. ^.^

That's about it, not much else to say about me.