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My Pics/About Me

These are my pics. NEW: Bottom 1 added 7/20.
Me in September 99.

Me and a friend on this hugs-ass coaster October 99.

Here's me and my best friend, the Alvarez Classic II a.k.a. Fender Stratocaster. January 2000.

Me in May 2000.

Me in May 2000 again.

Me in June 2000 playing guitar.

The pic above with a cool effect.

Me on the Millenuim Force, this coaster at Cedar Point with a 300-foot straight down drop. Some say I look like Lance ('N Sync) and some say I look like the late 80s Vanilla Ice. You decide.

Me and my sister Danetta, circa December 99.

If you can't see those pics: I am 5' 11 and weigh in at 190 pounds with blonde hair, greenish-blue eyes, and size 14 shoe. Meaning: I'm a big sonuvabiatch for being only 15. Anythning else, just ask me about it. You'll probably know my personality in five minutes, and either like me or hate me. Only way to find out is e-mail me or ICQ me or something.
ICQ# 25629616

