This listing was taken from tombstone inscriptions and Logan County death records. Dates are listed by birthday, age at the time of death, and date of death. The birthdates and deathdates are listed in two different ways... if either is listed with 6 numbers such as 10/12/98 this is month/day/year.. some are listed as day/month/ this case the month is spelled out or abbreviated. The middle column is age and is listed as 00/00/00 which is years/months/days. Some abbreviations used are: SB = stillborn LGH = Logan General Hospital LMH = Logan Mercy Hospital
A C 1809 AD?KINS Elmo 1958 1959 ADKINS Bettie Joan 1956 1956 ADKINS Clarence 10/10/?? 11 Aug ---- ADKINS George Orville s/o Tim Adkins Rachel Blackwell 01-04-00 10/26/29 Ft Branch ADKINS Helen 47 yrs old 28 May 1973 ADKINS Lilas s/o Perry ELLIS Lennie CURTIS 12/14/27 24 Jun 1945 LMH ADKINS Opal Louise 12/--/19 Jan 1949 ADKINS Tilden s/o Jake Adkins 51 yrs 12/3/27 Logan ADKINS Windle H 00/03/20 ADKINSON Nora Lessen d/o William Carey Rosa Duty 11/28/91 39-01-02 12/31/31 Logan ALDRIDGE Jas s/o John Aldridge 67 yrs 6/14/35 Logan ALDRIDGE Warren G. s/o James Aldridge Arisba White [sumitted by Imogene Hall] June 26, 1932 October 24, 1932 ATKINS Darline 1941 1941 AVOLA? Louie 50 yrs 10/26/29 Logan BAISDEN Fred s/o Boyd Baisden Gertrude Thornhill 8/20/29 01/00/08 9/28/30 Ft Branch BAISDEN Mabel 6/9/33 31 Jan 1934 Ball Willard s/o Garfield Ball Gypsie Watts 1/22/13 21/05/19 7/11/34 Ft Branch Bartley Gertie Arbutus d/o Johnie Bartley Norma Taylor 05/21/28 00/08/21 2/11/29 Ethel BARTRAM Sam s/o Sheridan Bartram Arminta Hooser 8/26/95 34 yrs 10/30/27 Ft Branch BARTRAM Vinie Copley Unmarked BEARD HENRY HERBERT s/o WILLIAM BEARD MARY ANN MAHONE 7/30/98 65-03-16 11/16/1963 MT GAY BEARDS Bertha May d/o Herbert Beards Tillie Rose 10/30/24 5/11/00 10/1/30 Ethel BECKETT MORDICA s/o WM BECKETT FLORENCE DINGESS 4/4/04 47 YRS 10/18/1951 LMH BECKETT Morkey 1891 BELCHER John Lee s/o George Belcher Manda Thompson 4/16/03 43/09/18 2/4/47 Ethel Belcher Virginia Lois d/o John Lee Belcher Sybil McNeely 6/--/34 02-02-00 8/24/36 Logan BELCHER Westley 10/17/79 19 Apr 1933 BIAS Brady Jr 12/6/25 29 Sep 1966 BIAS Brady 1893 1943 BIAS Jimmie s/o Dennis Bias Edith Ball 4 yrs 9/5/30 Logan BIAS Litha Ellen 1/17/96 17 Mar 1975 BIAS Lorreta Maye 4/6/15 14 Dec 1938 BLACK Gordon C 1884 1936 Blackwell W. George s/o James Blackwell Mary Osborne 70 yrs 10/23/35 Logan Boehm S L s/o John Boehm 1/19/74 60/01/21 3/10/35 Logan BOJAVASKI Walter 3/4/35 Booth Johnny Henderson s/o Ora Booth Lucy Booth 2/6/37 SB 2/6/37 Logan BOOTH Norma Ann d/o Ora Booth Lucy Carter 7/25/44 23 days 8/18/44 Stollings BOOTH Paul R s/o Millard Booth Laura Wineland 10/29/42 1/9/02 7/24/44 Wanda BOOTHE Arnet 12/--/26 Jan 1948 BRADISKO Tom ??/??/89 48 yrs 3/11/37 McBeth BRADLEY Dennis Chester s/o Wayne Bradley Mary Patten 1/5/30 00-10-00 10/26/30 Argyle #2 BRADLEY J D s/o Bill Bradley Inez McDonald 10/9/30 01-03-00 8/13/31 Ethel BROWNING Goldia d/o Joe Browning Rosa Kinser 5/16/20 14/03/10 8/26/34 Logan Clinic BROWNING James L 11/8/73 1 Apr 1945 BROWNING John Elliot s/o James Browning Rhoda Toler 3/3/05 62 yrs 9/29/67 GVH BROWNING Rhoda 3/31/80 BRYANT David Lee 1984 1984 BURGESS Toney s/o Payton BURGESS Jane THOMPSON 1878 63 yrs 6 Sep 1941 Logan BURGESS Jotic s/o Tone Burgess Roxie Kinser 2/28/13 17 yrs 8/26/30 Logan BURNS Billie Joe s/o Ed Burns Della Mae Harrison 2/16/43 SB 2/16/43 Logan BURNS Male s/o Ed D. Burns Myrtle Tackett 6/9/30 6/9/30 Logan BURNS Myrtle d/o Jim Tackett 33 yrs 6/9/30 Logan BURNS William 00/00/88 54 yrs 12/17/42 Holden BURTON Martha 73-08-16 9 Sep 1943 Accoville CANNEBERY Dorothy Mae d/o Fred Cannebery Katie McKinney 4/24/29 3/16/43 Logan Co CANTERBURY James s/o G. W. Canterbury Ida Faine 5/13/00 29 yrs 6/17/30 Parsons CANTERBURY John Henry s/o George CANTERBURY Adline ALLEY 2/8/1873 66-10-00 17 Dec 1939 Verdunvill CANTERBURY W M s/o G. W. Canterbury Ida 33 yrs 1/27/33 Logan CARNOFF John 5/1/72 72-10-14 3/15/45 LGH CARTER, Edna Adams 1903 Nov 30, 1938 Submitted by Don Porter CARTER Elias Ishmel s/o Elias Ishmel Carter 1/1/82 48/03/17 4/15/30 Stollings CARTER Roger Dale s/o Haskell Carter Ruth Jeffery 11/23/45 SB 11/23/45 Logan CARTRIGHT Buddy s/o Harrison CARTRIGHT Hettie 11/29/76 28 Sep 1905 CASADY Amanda 2/25/82 52 yrs 2/25/35 Stollings CASSADY Joe s/o John Cassady Nancy Roe 5/5/73 58-06-04 11/9/31 Stirrat CEREPES Larry Ray s/o George Cerepes Mary Adkins 7/1/45 00/03/29 10/30/46 LMH CHAFINS Jimmie s/o Walter Chafins Ruth Jean Bunch 7/8/52 00/02/19 9/27/52 Ethel CHAMBERS ------ >twins- children of Calvin and Maude Chambers, CHAMBERS ------ died at birth -submitter -John Stepp CHAMBERS Alfred Hamilton s/o Dias L Chambers Belle Hager 10/24/00 42-03-20 2/14/73 Greenmont CHAMBERS Calvin L 1887 1961 CHAMBERS Elizabeth Chambers [submitted by John Stepp] Dec. 1926 July 1931 CHAMBERS Eliz Irene d/o Cal Chambers Maude Ellis 2/7/00 7/9/30 Ft Branch CHAMBERS Maude Ellis [submitted by John Stepp] March 8 1891 March 30,1957 CHAMBERS Ethel Beatrice d/o Lace Vinson Edna Maynard 9/7/07 44-09-09 6/16/52 Stollings CHAMBERS Juanita Marie d/o Leonard Chambers Beatrice Lester 4/5/46 00/07/08 11/11/46 LGH CHAMBERS May Huldey d/o Billy MCNEELY Polly Ann BURGESS 1/19/64 73 yrs 21 May 1940 Ft Branch CHAMBERS William Pierce [submitted by John Stepp] Aug 17,1863 March 29 1956 CHEEK Levina d/o Basil Bond Fannie DeHart 2/14/01 27/03/15 6/15/28 Ft Branch CHEEKS Berkley s/o John William Cheeks Vinie Bond 11/5/05 46/03/09 2/12/52 LGH CHEEKS Virgil Randall s/o Jr Cheeks Dorothy Kinzer 12/29/49 00/01/11 2/3/50 Ethel CHRISTIAN Female d/o Willie CHRISTIAN Belle ROSE 4/7/38 2 hrs 7 Apr 1938 Logan CLARK Carl C 3 days 1928 CLARK Virginia d/o Lewis CLARK Eliza 7/14/22 3 Feb 1925 CLAY Christopher Clay s/o James Clay Liza Clay 12/18/54 76/00/09 12/27/30 Logan CLAY Dortha d/o W. J Clay Emma Kirk 9 yrs 9/14/31 Logan CLAY John Millard s/o Columbus Clay Jula Stanley 1882 63 yrs 5/26/45 Man CLAY Mary d/o Sam Bishop Lucinda Stone 92/09/08 3/17/47 Stollings CLAY Nora 3/21/29 30/ CLEMENS Male s/o Geo Russell Clemens Burnzia Viars 5/18/47 SB 5/18/47 LMH CLEMMONS Male s/o Dewey Clemens Edna Gilliam 6/5/47 SB 6/5/47 LMH COALOSKY Steve 39 yrs 6/15/31 Logan COLEGROVE Charles D s/o Ellis Colegrove Tilda Belcher 10/18/35 00/01/03 10/21/36 COLEGROVE Noley s/o Dan Colegrove Ardelia Crank 10/2/97 31 yrs 9/28/29 Ethel COLLAS Praaskeva s/o Nick Collas Maxie Hensley 5 mos 3/14/28 Logan COMBS Bert s/o Wick Copley Lithie McCarty 9/8/88 57/11/21 8/29/45 Harts CONLEY David Glen 1/12/48 12 Jan 1948 CONLEY Madeline F 10/31/21 9 Apr 1930 CONLEY O M C 11/4/19 23 Feb 1920 CONLEY Ollie Farley 10/8/94 26 Mar 1945 COOPER Guy Wadsworth s/o James B COOPER Lotty CRABTREE 4/16/41 00-05-08 24 Aug 1941 Logan COOPER Lillie Ann d/o Robert Cooper Joyce Sullivan 00/03/01 3/13/46 Ethel COPLEY Chester Arthur s/o Thos Copley Naomi Sammons 46/07/06 10/7/29 Ethel COPLEY Ella May d/o G C COPLEY Wellys SCOTT 2/19/42 7 Mar 1942 Ethel COPLEY Ira s/o Wiley Copley Amy Smith 1/5/61 76/00/24 1/29/37 Logan COPLEY Kay d/o Harkis Copley Grace Marie Jenkins 6/3/45 6/11/45 Ethel COPLEY Thomas Milton s/o Wiley COPLEY Anney SMITH 7/31/57 82-07-03 3 Mar 1940 Ft Branch CORSEY James s/o Carl Corsey Fannie Robinson 4/7/29 4/7/29 Geo Creek CREMEANS Eli Washington s/o Zan Alridge CREMEANS Sarah Margaret ---- 3/8/75 4 Nov 1941 Mt Gay CREMEANS James Leroy s/o Golden Cremeans Pauline Ramey 00/03/10 6/24/44 Logan CRUM Cynthia d/o Berry ADKINS Artimeotria ADKINS 3/1/86 50-11-28 28 Feb 1938 Hetzel CRUM Douglas s/o Oscar Crum Georgia Peoples 6 mos 2/18/43 Holden CRUM Jennie d/o Mose WITHROW Lizzie PETRY 4/21/12 25-10-28 10 Mar 1938 Logan CRUM Melvin Wesley s/o Sanford Crum Mary/Mony Perry 47/11/24 4/24/29 Hetzel CRUM Nellie 11/27/29 9 Aug 1931 CRUM Steve Edward 6/21/35 10 Aug 1957 CRUM Ted 10/1/17 11 Feb 1945 DAVIS Anna Lorain d/o Giles Davis Dolly Bradley 5/17/31 5/17/31 Ethel DAVIS Dan s/o Jess Davis Lyla Slack 7/8/89 42-07-08 12/25/31 Logan DAVIS Lowell D s/o Robert DAVIS Laura HURNLEY? 8/5/39 00-05-08 13 Jan 1940 Logan DAVIS Lowell D s/o Robert W Davis Laura Hensley 8/5/39 00/05/08 1/13/40 Logan DAVIS William (col) s/o John Davis Sarah Johnson 11/14/18 35 yrs 8/25/51 Logan DEFERICE Jerry s/o William Deferice Mary Forbea 1/8/65 68/09/08 10/16/33 Logan DILLARD Reah d/o Tom WOODRUM Maggie SCOTT 9/9/02 35-05-26 7 Mar 1938 Ethel DINGESS Charles L s/o Paterson DINGESS Hulda 10/27/91 DINGESS Elbert W s/o Paterson DINGESS Hulda 7/8/28 ??????? DINGESS John s/o Peter DINGESS Sallie 2/22/08 10 Jul 1888 DINGESS Mary H d/o D HALE S 3/6/60 20 Jan 1880 DIXON Mary Kathleen d/o Albert Dixon Edith Isom 4/24/36 1/5/02 9/26/36 Logan DIXON Reece Vincent s/o Earl DIXON Lulu MILLS 8/15/39 00-01-17 1 Oct 1940 Hetzel DONAHOE MALE s/o Roy DONAHOE Vida CLINE 3/31/38 31 Mar 1938 Logan DONALDSON Charles Edward s/o Jim DONALDSON Laura HENSLEY 3/15/88 52-10-21 26 Jan 1941 Argyle DOUGLAS William M s/o Lafayette Douglas Fozie ? 3/30/69 65/00/13 4/13/35 Ethel EASTHAM Clyde H s/o Clyde Eastham Mary Forbs 2/18/31 00-06-13 9/5/31 Ft. Branch EASTHAM David C s/o George Eastham Margaret Chadwick 10/26/58 72 yrs 5/21/40 Ft Branch EASTHAM Mary Dorcus d/o William Forbes Mildred Runions 4/21/00 6/14/40 Logan EBELLA Steve 35 yrs 9/12/28 Logan ELAM E L 2/?/26 17 Mar 1926 ELDRIDGE William Alonzo s/o Isaac Eldridge Rebecca Sparks 1/19/03 31/11/12 1/7/35 Stiratt ELKINS Leon s/o Wm. Elkins Maggie Dempsey 12/23/31 01-01-07 1/23/32 Sunbeam ELKINS Maggie d/o Mathew Dempsey Minerva Farley 00/00/1898 40 yrs 10/19/38 Mt. Gay ELLIOTT Gustavia 1903 1968 ELLIS Charles E 1853 1945 ELLIS Hattie 1910 1970 ELLIS Katherine d/o Charles Chapman ? 2/22/02 34 yrs 12/23/36 Logan ELLIS Loyd L 1903 1966 ELLIS Nancy Ann 1855 EPLIN B Bert 1894 1955 EPLIN Dale Willis s/o Bert Eplin Mary Nelson 11 mos 8/6/29 Wilson Add. EPLIN Joey R 7/12/55 24 Nov 1955 EPLIN Mary Ellen d/o Laidley Nelson Margaret Jane Davis 10/10/97 56/01/11 11/21/52 LMH EPLIN Talmage J 10/25/30 18 Jul 1932 FARMER J T s/o L. E. Farmer Mary Swanson 6/15/36 00/06/16 12/31/36 Logan FEDDLES Frank 45 yrs 9/21/28 Logan FERGUSON Grace d/o W. H. Stewart Mary Morgan 1/28/99 33-10-24 12/22/31 Logan FERRELL Clara d/o Hughey Kirk Holly Kirk 3/3/47 81-04-13 7/16/28 Logan FISHER David Lee s/o Charles W FISHER Virginia HUTCHINSON 5/15/40 00-01-13 28 Jun 1940 Logan FLETCHER Mildred Jean d/o Alva Ray Fletcher Violet Mildred Cook 3/10/29 00-00-07 3/18/29 Hetzel FOLEY Elizabeth 9/22/72 19 Sep 1939 FOLEY Richard Bell s/o Andrew J. Foley Sally Brown 3/2/76 10/31/58 MM FOLKS Med Jeffrey 1893 1970 FRANCIS Laura 1877 1945 FRANCIS Rebecca d/o James Jude Lucinda Endicott 37-11-00 4/27/29 Ft Branch FRY Jerry 15 Aug 1966 16 Aug 1966 FRY Nancy M 6 May 1959 FRY Wayne Edward s/o Wayne Frye Connie Gipp 5/20/39 01/00/28 8/18/40 Stollings FRYE Albert 1884 1968 GARCI Male 40 yrs 4/14/29 Logan GENT C Mary d/o John Thomas Lucy Taylor 10/10/79 56/05/23 4/3/36 Logan GHEE Virginia d/o James Ghee Marie Parsons 9/27/36 SB 9/27/36 Ethel GIBSON Opal d/o Andrew Gibson Bertie Adkins 2/20/24 9/3/06 5/28/33 Ethel GILLIAM Luther Carl s/o John Gilliam 10/2/10 25/11/17 9/14/36 Logan GOLDY Mary M 1914 1962 GOLDY Wm Jr. s/o Wm Goldy Mary Nagy 12/15/29 12/15/29 Coal Br. GOODMAN Henry s/o William GOODMAN Cynthia STONE 69-01-14 6 Mar 1948 Logan GOTHARD Jno Henry s/o Jno Gothard Martha Kaets 3/18/64 64-09-11 12/29/28 Aracoma GRIFFEN Harold E s/o Jessie Griffen Virginia Jackson 5/19/36 SB 5/19/36 Orville GUY Helen d/o W M GUY Martha 13 Nov 1920 17 Dec 1920 HALL Female d/o Malcolm Hall Rachel Ball 7/14/34 SB 7/14/34 HALL Grover 1894 1958 HALL Infant Malcolm Hall Rachel Hall 1/29/36 1/29/36 Logan HAMLIN Mary Francis d/o Josh Hamlin Ella Gothard 6/10/24 04-05-16 11/9/28 Draper HANLEY Elizabeth 1867 1943 HARPER Nelson 14 Jan 1922 18 Feb 1922 HARRIS Arthur J s/o John Harris Dixie McDonald 7/23/15 17/09/10 5/3/33 Logan HARRIS Dixie d/o Ham McDonald Annie Perry 42 yrs 5/8/37 HARRISON H E HARRISON J B HARRISON T R HENDERSON Mary E d/o H. E. G. Henderson Sarah Ann Tyree 2/12/60 73/07/04 9/28/33 Ethel HENDERSON Vernon s/o Howard Henderson Elmira Smith 1/18/31 00-01-00 1/17/32 Ethel HESTER Jean Letha d/o Clotus Hester Iva Nell Toler 9/21/34 2 dys 9/23/34 Stollings HODGE John s/o Jeff D. Bailey Lexanna McKinse abt 1883 48 yrs 10/24/31 Logan HOOD Frank s/o Mack Hood Minnie Gibson 2/6/35 1/11/29 2/2/37 Ethel HORVATH Lizzie d/o Andy Poachie Rosa Tomaich 12/3/61 76/06/01 6/4/37 Logan HUSTY John 15 Aug 1889 29 Mar 1928 HUTCHINSON Cora Elizabeth d/o John Thomas Lucy Taylor 2/20/88 42-11-25 2/14/31 Stone Br. ILLA George s/o Geo. Illa Eliz. Liske 42 yrs 7/25/28 Logan ISOM Henry s/o Geo. Isom Anna Prevett 7/2/84 47-04-00 11/1/31 Logan ISOM Orvill s/o Geo. Isom Agnes Elam 9/10/30 01-01-02 10/12/31 Ethel JACKSON Frank 10/5/14 22/03/09 1/14/36 Braeholm JACKSON Mrs Cora d/o Addison Adkins Eliza Fry 4/23/09 22-01-25 6/17/31 Logan JEFFREY Frederick 1939 1939 JEFFREY Harry A 1909 1948 JENKINS Willie Jr. s/o Willie Jenkins Nellie Toney 9 yrs 10/13/30 Logan JERVIS Ruth 27 Jan 1922 5 Dec 1933 JERVIS Verneda 3 May 1918 14 Feb 1924 JESSIE Ora 1910 1948 JESSIE Stella d/o George Jessie Susie Engles c. 1914 17-00-26 4/1/31 Argyle JOHNSON Alvin s/o Roy Johnson Bertha Adams 1/3/31 1/3/31 Ft. Branch JOHNSON Louise d/o Jim Johnson Janie Quillen 4/15/87 2/1/59 Ethel JOHNSON Robert s/o Jno Henry Johnson Lula Adams 16 yrs c. 1928 Logan JONES Dorothy d/o Tom Jones Ellen Hanshaw 3 yrs 1/8/29 Ft Branch JONES Hubert s/o Isreal Jones Florence Harper 6/17/33 2 dys 6/19/33 Ethel JONES Thomas A s/o A. R. Jones Hattie Wood 6/26/00 30-02-28 9/24/30 Mallory JUDD Mary 1884 1928 JUDD Mary Ruth d/o Lee Judd Mary Bartley 00-02-00 2/19/28 Ft Branch KAZEE James s/o Elias Kazee Talitha Savage 68 yrs 6/19/37 Stollings KAZEE James Thomas s/o Virginia M. Kazee 2/11/40 2/12/40 Stollings KEATON Ella Mae d/o Wm Ruggles Mary McGown 8/4/94 36-06-21 2/25/30 Draper KENTON Ida Mae d/o William Ruggles Mary McGuire 4/8/89 42/09/09 1/13/42 Wilkinson KINSER Charlie s/o Elbert KINSER Vicy 5 Feb 1925 21 Mar 1928 Ft Branch KINSER Deloris Adele 26 Feb 1928 21 May 1943 KINSER Elsie M 1 Jul 1912 27 May 1923 KINSER Jacob KINSER Mary KINSER Nancy d/o Will Evans Anna Frye 5/16/22 18/07/04 12/29/40 Logan KINSER W M s/o Davie Kinser Sofia Helvet 8/21/96 33 yrs 2/12/29 Red Campell KITCHEN Martha (mother of W.P Chambers) [submitted by John Stepp] died abt. 1932 KNIPP John William s/o Alex Knipp Louise Knipp 10/7/885 9/7/56 Stollings KONDOR Jimmie s/o Alex Kondor Mary Glenn 12/28/33 00/07/29 8/27/34 LH KSEE Beck 31 Dec 1934 LACY Cora d/o J. M. Lacy Lucinda Lawson 9/2/84 66/07/10 4/12/51 LGH LACY John s/o John Lacey Jane 6/15/58 73-05-27 1/12/32 Ethel LACY Johnie s/o Ambrose Lacy Pheoby McNeely 6/10/30 02-04-00 8/8/31 Red Campbell LACY Mary L d/o Boone Lacy Ida Robinson 12/25/39 10/3/40 Stollings LALICK Jim s/o Alex Lalick Lula Alice 8/30/39 00/09/04 10/4/40 Hetzel LALIK Sarah Martha d/o Alex Lalik Lola Ellis 9/1/34 2/5/11 2/11/37 Ethel LAMBERT Harold s/o Newton Lambert Nola Holstein 11/27/15 14-01-00 12/27/29 Hetzel LAMBERT Ruth E d/o Vennie Lambert Virgie Conly 00/11/03 1/9/42 Argyle LAWSON Arthur T s/o G LAWSON and J --- 22 Dec 1895 1 Oct 1896 LAWSON Nettie d/o J H LAWSON 23 Nov 1898 6 Sep 1906 LAWSON Simon W s/o J M LAWSON N C 22 Jan 1907 LESTER John Harvey s/o Rufus Lester Mary Bishop 6/7/84 59 yrs 5/26/45 LGH LIKENS Josie d/o Jack Grimmet Eveyln Browning 38 yrs 10/31/30 McConnell LONG Tom 47 yrs 8/28/28 Slagle LORINCZ Andrew 29 Jan 1927 LORINCZ Lonka 23 Jan 1927 LYNCH Philis Jane d/o Denver Lynch Grace Lacey 7/19/28 00-01-21 9/10/28 Earling MAEHONE Rosa Apr 1897 Jul 1938 MAHON Parthena Sullivan d/o Henry Sullivan Anna Farley 2/14/59 abt 80 yrs 2/6/39 Stollings MAHONE Ray s/o Scott Mahone 10/10/05 40/02/05 12/15/45 Logan MAHONE Ward 22 Feb 1881 8 Sep 1951 MALCOLM Robert s/o William SAUNDERS and Bell--- 1928 1928 MANN A Lois 24 Jul 1927 23 Dec 1927 MANN Billie Martin s/o J M MANN 22 Apr 1925 17 Jul 1926 MANN Dorothy 20 Nov 1921 1922 MANN Gerald W MANN Loretta J 2 --- 1934 2 Jul 1934 MARCUM Lou Ellen d/o Floyd Marcum Anna Pritchard 00/05/28 12/29/47 Logan MARCUM Rev. Albert Allen 1964 [Submitted by: Vernia Brooks] MARCUM w/o A A Allie 12 Mar 1887 8 Jun 1945 MARGARETES Mannel s/o Jno Margaretes Mary Pelegrani 48 yrs 11/12/29 Logan MAY Edith d/o J P KINSER 20 Mar 1920 19 Aug 1920 MAYHONE Lafe 30 Apr 1933? MAYHORN Daniel 00/02/13 00/00/58 MAYHORN Debra A Sep 1967 12 Sep 1967 MAYHORN Harold Lee 13 Oct 1968 7 Dec 1968 MAYHORN Teresa Lynn 6 Apr 1970 15 Mar 1972 MAYNARD William Robert s/o Lewis Maynard Katherine Lambert 6/22/95 34-09-05 3/17/30 Logan MAYS Texas Lee s/o Hope Mays Ella Stanley 11 dys 10/28/47 Melville MCBRIDE Clarence W 1/6/97 47/02/05 8/11/44 LGH MCCLAIN William Franklin s/o Mary Ellen Johnson 2/2/70 69/09/27 11/29/39 Stollings MCCLELLAN Michael E s/o Miniard McClellan Edra Swim 00/01/18 10/23/47 Logan MCDONALD Ann d/o Joe Perry Mary Craddock 7/28/1867 63/04/09 12/7/31 Ethel MCDONALD Charles H s/o Lewis McDonald Martha McDonald 1/18/66 65/07/14 9/3/31 Freeze Fk MCDONALD Chester s/o Howard McDonald Tempie Kazee 01-03-00 9/16/29 Ethel MCDONALD Harvey Lee 1 Jul 1935 23 Oct 1936 MCDONALD Lewis 10 Mar 1832 75 yrs 10 Mar 1907 MCDONALD Martha Edna d/o Alex Gates Maggie Alderman 8/25/03 49/00/02 6/23/46 MCDONALD Maxine Rolina d/o Tom McDonald Martha Gates 4/21/44 5/8/44 LGH MCDONALD Velma Louise 11 Sep 1920 4 Dec 1936 MCKINNEY Martha MCKINNEY Orvil James s/o Ezra McKinney Vada Meeks 2/9/29 8/9/00 11/9/37 MCKINNEY Tom MCNEELY Carl K (baby) MCNEELY Celia d/o John Lacy Emma Ellis 7/0/82 55 yrs 6/11/37 Earling MCNEELY Granville 76 yrs 6/21/29 Sunbeam MCNEELY Helen d/o Opal McNeely 6/23/39 SB 6/23/39 Logan MCNEELY June Lonquitia d/o L. P. Pratt McNeely Virdie Browning 2/10/40 7/30/41 Logan MCNEELY Lighlan W s/o Otto McNeely Martha Jude 02-01-17 10/12/29 Freeze Fk MCNEELY Loral P 8 Nov 1910 2 Mar 1965 MCNEELY Peter 1 Oct 1866 29 Mar 1948 MCNEELY Stella 12 Feb 1878 6 May 1956 MCNEELY Thelma Leon s/o W. M. Guy Martha Murphy 12/12/06 22/03/20 4/2/32 Logan MCNEELY Virginia Katherine d/o George Harper Helen ---- 4/28/64 73/09/09 2/7/38 Stollings MEADE Baby Girl d/o Lula Meade 00/00/50 00/00/55 MEADE Columbus 12 Jan 1894 2 Feb 1954 MEADE John Henry s/o Peter H. Meade Kentucky Ferrell 1/15/98 7/15/43 MENDEL A M MENDEL M MENDEL W D MERDE Victoria 24 Nov 1905 31 Mar 1948 MONTGOMERY Avinelle d/o Tina Montgomery Lola Prichard 11/21/29 01-11-05 10/26/30 Logan MONTGOMERY Edna d/o Raulie Montgomery Francis Ellis 9/28/13 17/06/00 3/6/31 Ethel MONTGOMERY Edward s/o Bill Montgomery Lula Pritchard 3/27/30 00/05/25 9/21/30 Logan MOORE Carl s/o Woody Moore Stella Dotson 12/9/24 5/5/47 Logan MOORE Delsie Frances d/o Ben Moore Rose Justice 10/25/28 1 dy 10/26/28 Hetzel MORGAN Charles Albert s/o Delbert Morgan Martha Wimmer 9/2/29 01-01-06 10/8/30 Yolyn MORRISON Harlow s/o Marion Morrison Mary Sims August 1867 63 yrs 10/27/30 Logan MOUNTS Lizzie d/o Charlie Mounts Rachel Daniels 81 yrs 2/21/30 Monitor MUNCEY Luin Thomas 8 Jan 1928 14 Jun 1947 MYERS Mable Lee d/o M. P. Myers Bertha Wimmer 1/22/39 SB 1/22/39 Monaville NAHULKA Sophia d/o Andy Hulek 36 yrs 7/20/29 Logan NALLON Fay d/o Hurston Nallon Rosa Pritchard 2/13/17 26 yrs 3/6/43 LGH NELSON Ronald D 10 Mar 1945 31 Aug 1945 NEMETH John s/o Jno Nemeth Mary Plustzka abt 1886 42 yrs 12/10/28 Ethel NEWSOM Dennie Ray 7 Dec 1952 28 Jun 1953 NOPPE Charley 47 yrs 1/3/29 Foley OWENS James s/o Jim Owens Jane Lee 3/10/43 74/07/01 9/11/29 Draper OWENS Lizzie d/o Bill Butler Margaret Croles? 2/13/61 69/06/00 9/11/30 Ethel P ---- Mary 16 Feb 1942 ??????? PALLARES Raymond s/o Juan Pallares Ramoria Navarro 37 yrs 1/9/29 Ethel PARADOWSKY Max 73 yrs 8/8/47 Big Creek PARTON John A 1956 1959 PATTERSON Edward James Jr s/o Edward Patterson Sr Ruth Elam 11/3/47 11/4/37 PAULEY Alma Faye d/o Eli Pauley Alma Faye York 10/16/44 18 dys 11/3/44 Ethel PAULEY Charles Columbus s/o Mat Pauley Susen Pauley 71/01/01 7/14/45 Ethel PAULEY Martha 1892 1925 PAULEY Gladys 19 Oct 1911 18 Sep 1935 PELFREY Bobby Lee s/o Arlon Pelfrey Alta Flannery 1/8/28 1 dy 1/10/28 Peach Cr PETERS Vent Gene 1960 1960 PETROFF Mary 60 yrs 3/19/45 Shamrock PETROSKY Gabriel 77 yrs 3/10/45 Big Creek PETTREY Windell Ray s/o Hughey Pettrey Hazel Holbrook 12/10/40 04-01-26 2/6/45 PETTRY Ruby d/o Hugh Pettry Hazel Holbrook 7/9/45 00/02/10 9/19/45 Logan PEYTON Baby Aug 1948 PHILLIPS Gloria Dean d/o Orville Phillips Lula Greenhill 12/17/42 5 dys 12/23/42 Whitman PIERCE James D s/o George Pierce Lura Vance 5/19/38 00/08/19 2/6/39 Logan PODUNAVAC Gladys Marie d/o Mike Podunavac Hurl McNeely 10/11/50 1/6/11 4/22/52 LMH POLK Mike 55 yrs 7/18/43 Ft. Branch POPE George 64 yrs 9/30/29 Logan POPE Leonard 65/08/12 1/6/47 LMH PRICHARD Helen Marie d/o Odis Prichard Bessie Blankenship 2/9/39 SB 2/9/39 Stollings PULKA Julia 6 Jan 1874 4 Oct 1945 RAINWATER Okey 3 May 1925 7 Sep 1948 RAINWATER Thomas s/o Staton Rainwater 2/14/96 56/05/15 7/29/52 Logan RATLIFF Robt Joel s/o Walter Ratliff Nora Cox 2 mos 9/14/29 Peach Cr. RATLIFF Sarah Ann d/o Fenner Lynch Dorcis Bowes 11/4/65 11/7/43 RAY Buri Jr 1969 RAZZELL Peggie Marie d/o James Razzell Aleen Williamson 7/2/43 7/2/43 Logan REYNOLDS Bobby s/o Harry Reynolds Esther Burton 8/20/43 8/21/43 Mt Gay RICHARDSON Troy David s/o George Richardson Maude Thompson 10/14/44 00/01/23 12/7/44 Hetzel RIDAO Richard Earl s/o Hansford Ridao (st-f) Melda Stafford 1/17/31 8/7/10 6/26/39 Logan RITCHIE Beryl Eleanor s/o G. M. Ritchie Inez Cartwright 12/2/27 14 days 12/16/27 Stollings ROBINSON Virginia d/o Charles Robinson Iola Samons 01/10/20 6/30/41 McConnell ROSE Eva 10 Jul 1884 13 Apr 1919 RUGGLES John s/o William Ruggles Mary McGlown 2/2/89 52 yrs 8/12/37 Wilkinson RUGGLES William s/o James Ruggles Mary McGown 3/25/00 44/07/00 11/17/47 Orville SALYERS Jerry Thomas s/o Estell Salyers Roxie Smith 8/2/43 SAMMONS Don Edwin s/o M. F. Sammons Laura Harding 12/29/21 08-03-00 3/28/30 Ethel SAMMONS Joseph W s/o Franklin M Sammons Sarah M. Chafins 9/1/89 53/09/06 6/7/43 Logan SAMMONS Laura Francis d/o Arthur Fitzpatrick Ruthie Sammons 3/15/77 67/10/09 1/24/45 Wanda SAMMONS William David s/o Oliver Sammons Elizabeth Ann Castle Hanel 2/23/76 71/08/23 11/00/47 Stollings SAMSON William T s/o Riley Samson Mary Kazee 47 yrs 4/21/39 Logan SAUNDERS Edward Ray s/o William SAUNDERS Bell ---- 1923 1923 SCAGGS Raymond s/o George Scaggs Mary Thomas 11/10/10 17 yrs 3/5/28 Ft Branch SCOTT Clarence Edward s/o R. W Scott Mabel McBride 9/12/46 9/12/46 Hetzel SEARS Dennis L 18 Apr 1927 15 Jul 1974 SHANKLIN John Edward 16 Jul 1942 12 Sep 1956 SHANKLIN Luther H 1919 1954 SHELBY Opal Essie d/o Ebb Patton Lily Eaves 6/2/97 34/07/07 1/9/32 Logan SHOLDERS Zelix 1937 SIDERS Charles F 26 Mar 1919 17 Aug 1948 SILVA Frank s/o Tranquelinno? 38 yrs 5/2/28 Ethel SIMPSON Arbie 1889 1963 SIMPSON Charles Edward s/o James Simpson Ruby Eplin 00/02/03 3/22/46 Wilson Camp SIMPSON James C 7 Sep 1921 9 Jul 1966 SIMPSON Raymond 8 May 1915 26 Jan 1959 SIMPSON Raymond ???? SIZEMORE Elliott s/o Ray Sizemore Eana Riffe 7/21/45 7/21/45 Logan SKEANS R E 10 Jan 1937 16 Jan 1937 SLOAN Chas Isaac s/o Wm I. Sloan Nellie Sloan 27 days 9/10/28 Logan SMILEY Camille d/o Jerry Bee Smiley Marjie Booth 1 dy 8/7/40 Logan SMITH G W 63 yrs 1/11/28 Logan SMITH Hazel d/o Morgan Smith Margie Elam 7/18/28 00/02/12 10/2/28 Hetzel SMITH Milton D 1872 1944 SMITH Sam SPARKS Junery D 25 May 1924 21 Nov 1925 SPEARS Buster 10 Sep 1924 30 Jun 1927 SPOUSE Henry s/o Al Spouse Clistie Parsley 1/26/14 29/02/13 4/9/43 Ethel STACY Dennie J s/o James Stacy Marie Jenkins 1/14/26 01-09-25 11/9/28 Logan STAFFORD Fred s/o Ham Stafford Emma Bartram 11/4/28 02-10-15 9/15/31 Ft. Branch STAFFORD Harry STAFFORD Nellie 21 Jun 1931 21 Jun 1931 STAFFORD Shirely M 1968 1971 STAFFORD Walter 23 Jun 1920 28 Jul 1942 STATEN Gary Jr 1973 1973 STEELE Robertie 1 Nov 1942 1 Nov 1942 STEPHEN David Neal s/o M. F. Stephen Opal Travis 12 days 1/2/29 Cherry Tree STEVENS Frances d/o Julius Curry Polly Ann Farley 12/25/07 8/26/40 Peach Cr STEVENSON Elizabeth Margaret d/o Pete McNeely Stella White 7/22/17 7/16/44 Ethel STEVENSON Frank A s/o F. A. Stevenson Mabel Bennett 8/7/43 8/7/43 Aracoma STIDHAM A 7 Sep 1935 STIDHAM Alka Louise 27 Sep 1919 17 Nov 1920 STIDHAM Lucinda d/o Bill Simpkins Lizzie Tyrie 9/19/74 56-04-00 1/23/31 Peach Cr. STIDHAM Pearl May 16 Apr 1913 27 Oct 1920 STOLLINGS Anthelia 1885 1972 SUMMERS Alice Sue d/o Donald Summers Rebecca Wooten 2/24/32 5/9/26 12/20/37 Slagle SUMMERS Arnold s/o Donald Summers Rebecca Wooten 8/3/28 02-01-28 10/1/30 Slagle SZMOLA Steve 70 yrs 5/31/44 Logan TALBER Edward 1931 1932 TALBERT Mary Helen d/o Harold Talbert Doris Saylers 8/17/40 00/08/18 5/5/41 Stollings THOMAS Kathleen d/o Henry Thomas Goldie Adkins 1/29/26 12/6/06 7/5/39 Logan THOMAS Mary Elizabeth d/o Elmer Thomas Addie Rigsby 00-01-11 8/11/29 Wilson Add. THOMPSON James McArthur s/o Fred Thompson Catherine Epling 7/17/41 1 dy 7/18/41 LMH TONEY Dorothy May 1929 1943 TRENT Anna Belle d/o George Trent Belle Sammons 2/1/38 SB 2/1/38 Logan TRENT Grace Marie d/o Walter S. Hutchinson Dorothy Newman 7/9/10 21/07/25 3/3/32 Sunbeam VANCE Fred s/o Stewart Vance Thursday A Brewer 2/26/12 25 yrs 8/7/38 McConnell VANCE Jake Jr 4/24/36 24 Apr 1936 VANCE Sadie d/o Joe Bradley Annie Samons 7/24/02 37/07/18 3/13/40 Wilkinson VINSON Alma Mae d/o Mose Vinson Mabel Johnson June 1938 14 mos 8/10/39 LGH VINSON Cecil s/o Dug Vinson Cora Kinser 5/11/11 18-07-15 12/27/29 Rex VINSON Edna Bell d/o Mose Maynard Sarah Rutherford 5/31/82 57-06-23 3/24/40 Logan VRANCH Steve 1887 1932 W S WALK Tom Jr s/o Thomas S. Walk Pansy Payne 3/28/41 3/28/41 Logan WALKER James Jesse s/o Dorothy Jesse 7/9/40 7/9/40 Hetzel WALTERS Earl s/o Marion E. Walters Mildred McNeely 3/18/30 3/18/30 Dabney WALTERS Infant 5/4/38 WALTERS Kathaline 2 Jun 1940 16 Jul 1940 WALUSKISKEY Joe 45 yrs 4/8/29 Logan WEBB Hurbert s/o Cleom Webb Glena Chambers 11/19/40 2/10/42 Stollings WEDDINGTON Shirley Ann d/o J. H. Weddington Dorothy Baisden 11//22/37 00/01/02 11/22/37 Logan WELLMAN Rissie d/o James Mullens Sarah 7/15/95 69 yrs 7/23/64 GVH WESSON Male s Jno Wesson Ota Cometo? 10/30/29 10/30/29 Ethel WHOBREY Infant s/o D. C. Whobrey Sylania Lam 3/14/38 3/14/38 Ethel WILEY Rosa 10/28/93 5 Oct 1914 WILLIAMS Glen B ?/?/67 WILLIAMS John C s/o Richard Williams Irene Copley 10/25/64 75/02/00 12/25/39 Logan WILLIAMSON Press s/o Aley Wiilliamson Millie Messing 4/9/74 64-08-17 12/26/38 Chauncey WITHROW Gladys d/o Clarence Withrow Elizabeth Thomas 11/10/29 01-10-25 10/5/31 Peach Cr WONACK William s/o Sam Wornack Susia Broughton 54 yrs 11/27/30 Logan YONCE Peggy Joyce d/o Monroe Yonce Ethel Johnson 11/25/48 03-03-19 3/15/52 Ethel YORK Mildred 10/4/98 30 Mar 1948 YORK William K s/o Robert York Laura Sturgell 4/6/85 46-09-16 1/20/32 EthelThe following info submitted by Jane Kelley
Brady Albert Bias 12/6/1925 9/29/1966 s/o Brady Albert Bias and Telitha Ellen Kazee. His wife had his body moved to Highland Memory Garden. Brady Albert Bias 1/24/1893 - 2/12/1943 Litha is Telitha Ellen Bias 1/17/1896 - 3/17/1975 d/o Charles Kazee and Mollie McCoy Loretta Maye Bias 4/6/1915 - 12/14/1938 d/o Brady Albert Bias and Telitha Ellen Kazee Nelson Harper 1/14/1922 2/ 18/ 1922 s/o Lloyd harper and Barbara Kazee Arthur J. Harris 7/23/1915 - 5/3/1933 s/o John Harris and Dixie McDonald Dixie Harris 1895 - 5/8/1937 d/o Charles Hamilton McDonald and Rosa Ann Perry James "Abe" Kazee 8/1868 - 6/19/1937 s/o Elias Kazee and Telitha Savage James Thomas Kazee 2/11/1940 - 2/12/1940 s/o Winnie Virginia Kazee Richard Kazee 10/27/1864 - 10/8/1934 s/o Elias Kazee and Telitha Savage Winnie Virginia Kazee 10/5/1871 - 1/22/1951 d/o Samuel Logan Bays and Lucinda Jane Counts Beck Kazee 6/4/1899 - 12/31/1934 s/o Charles Kazee and Mollie McCoy Rosa Ann "Anna" McDonald 7/28/1867 - 12/7/1931 d/o Joseph Perry and Mary Craddock Charles Hamilton McDonald 1/18/1866 - 9/3/1931 s/o Lewis McDonald and Marhta Burgess Chester McDonald 9/13/1928 - 9/29/1929 s/o Howard McDonald and Temple Bell Kazee Lewis McDonald 3/10/1832 - 3/10/1907 s/o Hurcules McDonald and Margaret Brown Howard McDonald 1903/ 5/30/1965 s/o Charles Hamilton McDonald ans Rosa Ann Perry Temple Bell McDonald 6/5/1905 - 1975 d/o Charles Kazee and Mollie McCoy Martha McDonald 1844 - 9/30/1895 d/o Meradith Burgess and Matilda Farley The following info was submitted by Gayann Clay John Henry Leeson, Jr. Born - 1884 Died - Oct. 23, 1918 (John Henry Leeson, Jr.'s Wife) Nora Cary Leeson Born - Nov. 28, 1891 Died - Dec. 31, 1931 (John Henry Leeson, Jr. & Nora Cary Leeson's Daughter) Ruth Leeson Cooper Born - 1909 Died - April 25, 1927 (Ruth Leeson Cooper died giving birth to a male infant. He was buried in her arms.) The following info submitted by Donna J. Bartram Webb Bartram, Sadie (Sarah J.) Cochran Born Sept. 1890 Lawrence Co. Ky. Died October 1918 Logan Co. W.V. d/o Joseph and Polly (Derefield) Cochran Spouse Bert Bartram
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