This section is dedicated to the people that help me get through the ups and downs of being a teenager. They've done so much for me that they totally deserve a section here.

Siobhan-Siobhan and I haven't known each other as long as I've known my other friends, but she's definitely earned her status. She's got to be one of the coolest (and loudest) friends that I have. There aren't many friends that I can talk to about the Beatles and the Return the way that we do without them telling me to shut up. She's one of the few people that can get me to stay on the phone for hours at a time. Also, she's the one that taught me how to make a webpage. She's so incredibly smart even though she constantly denies it. She's also one of the sweetest people I've ever met. (Love ya, girlie!)

Crystal-*sigh* Man. Where would a list of my friends be without Crystal???? Crystal is the model friend. Always there for you, never judging, great listener, trusting, and an incredible person with an amazing personality. We met November 1, 1994 in our fifth grade class room. She was hanging out with the "preps" and I was hanging out with nobody because it was my first day at a new school. She introduced herself and we've been best friends ever since. Despite the fact that we're total opposites (she's a "cowgirl"...very country, has a very country boyfriend, goes to rodeos...and I'm a "rocker"...going to concerts, my whole obsession with the psychedelic music, very citified...) we have never in our (almost) 6 years of friendship had a dull moment or even an argument. We amaze our families...we can go MONTHS without seeing each other but when we do you'd never know it. Love ya babe!

The "Poor Mute B&N Gang"-These girls RULE! The B&N Gang, as we like to call ourselves, consists of me (Lady Lennon), Kim (Lady Paul), Crystal (Lady George), and Jessica (Lady Starr). We spend every possible Friday at the Starbucks located inside Barnes and Noble (get it? B&N) where we sit in our little spot (two of us in chairs and the other two in the floor) drinking our Ginger Beers, Italian Sodas, Espressos (pronounced eSpressos...there's no X in espressos!!). We don't only hang out at B&N...we make a point of tormenting all the unfortunate places that stay open after dark. (This includes throwing bouncing ice cream in the parking lot at Baskin Robbins.) These are some of the MOST fun people in the world!! I mean, who else would be able to get me to sit down for 2 hours, watch an extremely low budget movie and SCREAM the entire time because it was just that scary?? Haha. the members of the B&N Gang, I would like to say...."CH-CH-CH-CH-CHANGES!!!!!!" You guys rule!!!

