Alright. Where to start? My name is Jarah Bethany Westmoreland. I was born on July 23, 1984 which makes me 16 years old. My obsessions include The Beatles, F*R*I*E*N*D*S, Who's Line is It Anyway?, The Simpsons, The Return, and pretty much anything artistic. I have a reputation as being this loud crazy insane hippie, but that side of me is evident only when I'm somewhere where there's lots of people. I'm actually a lot calmer than that. I'm very mature (or so I'm told) and very very philosophical. I spend endless hours just thinking about life in general. I also have a very emotional side to me. The slightest thing can send me into a depression but I usually don't stay depressed for long. It's a gift or something. *shrugs* Hm...what else? I laugh at everything. I'm obsessed with hugging. I have so many hippie ways it's just not funny. I have a good memory for things like dates and inside jokes and things like that. I'm not afraid of voicing my opinions which makes for some fun debates. Let's see. I'm not like most teenagers. I could care less about being popular and stuff like that. I'm more interested in the long term affects of things instead of the way that I look to others. I'm also not one of those girls that ends up "in love" with a different guy every week. That's just incredibly fake (not to mention lame) in my opinion. I do believe in love and that kind of thing...I'm not completely immune to all emotion. But if I do end up liking a guy, it's usually a long term thing. I don't chance my mind every other day about things like that. Compared to other 11th graders, I'm considered very individual. I have different tastes in a ton of things. Including music. I don't like pop. I USED to like it. A few years back. But since then I've realized that the pop folks are just an image. They don't do anything for their success except sing. When, the Beatles and bands like that had to work for their status as the best band in history. They wrote their own music, wrote and played the music themselves...they didn't have to have a backup band or studio musicians. They got as far as they did by being themselves. Not by jumping on the image bandwagon. Blah blah blah. I could go on and on when it comes to this subject but I'm really not in the mood right now. Anyway, I'm tired. It's late. Bye.

