This is my room. It looks different than this now. So when you see it, imagine there's a big yellow inflatable Beatles chair in the corner sitting under a big Beatles flag and a few posters are moved around.

This is my bed. I got the blanket for Christmas. Isn't it lovely?

This is my huge poster I got at a record show. It's actually bigger than's huge

This is a Got Milk poster that I love and some Roaches things I pick up at concerts

This is my dresser and my lava lamp and all that

This is my Matthew Perry shrine...there's more now

This is a Roaches poster thing and this drawing of mine

This section is no longer in my room but I really love it anyway

This is my radio and my bookshelf. The heart and soul of my whole room

Here are my cds. I have more now but here's a taste

This is another wall of mine

This is my clock. Is this not the coolest clock ever??

This is my dresser. I'm obsessed with pictures, can you tell?

This is my little table with all my weird little stuff and my Pez. (And my black light is under the table)

Well, that's my room. Now you know.
