This is a survey that my friend sent me. Maybe it will help you learn a little more about me.

1. Name: Jarah Bethany Westmoreland
2. If there were one thing that you could not do for the rest of your life, and still live, what would it be? I guess.
3. Favorite colors: Black and dark green
4. Favorite animals: dogs
5. The last book I read in full was: Many Years From Now (the Paul McCartney bio)
6. A good book I'm reading now is: Um...I'm not reading now...
7. You are more likely to see me wearing: Really anything. It doesn't really matter to me. But I'm usually in a Beatles/Return/Roaches/NYC/tie dye shirt. All my bellbottoms have managed to either rip or get too small so I've been wearing just normal pants these days. And my awesome Airwalk shoes that I bought August 21st, 1998
8. The best concert I have ever been to was: Geez. That's a toughie. I guess the last Ringo one. Maybe. I mean, Ringo did look at me a whole lot. But I've been to some GREAT
9. The junk I do in my spare time is: I work on this page (a new hobby), just sorta drive around town, decorate weird stuff in my room, try to find places for new posters which usually ends up with me redoing the whole room, or I just sit in my Beatles chair and rock back and forth for hours at a time.
10. When I grow up... I want to be a Pediactric Asthma Specialist. I would like to have a cooler, more rock and roll type job, but I know that in reality that won't happen. Besides, I've been taking classes for being an Asthma specialist really since like 9th grade so it's really an accomplishable goal.
11. If I could meet one person in history, it would be: John Lennon. Obviously.
12. If I could be in any movie ever made, I would be in: I think it would be fun to be in a Beatles movie but I don't know if that's my choice or not. I'll have to think about that one.
13. What about myself would surprise people? Um, I'm not always the way people see me. I'm usually thought of as just a happy hyper chick but I'm actually very deep and very very emotional. That side just really doesn't come out much around other people.
14. If I had a house made out of anything, what would it be made of? Um...that's a hard one.
15. If I had to drink only one thing for the rest of my life, what would it be? Sprite. I'm so addicted to Sprite it's just not funny anymore. That or the Ginger Beers that Starbucks sell. Yum.
16. If I had the chance to go vegan with no problems, would I? Definitely.
This Or That?
17. computer or outside? Computer...I'm that much of a nerd.
18. pillows or none? pillows...2 to be exact.
19. cats or dogs? Well, normally I'd say cats. But I'm really loving dogs these days. So dogs.
20. food or none? none
21. paper or plastic? I have no preference really. but you can pop the plastic bags after you're done using them which is always fun.
22. mansion or cottage? cottage...doesn't that seem cozier?
23. artsy or scientific? Well, I can be both. But artsy is more like me so I'll choose that one.
24. oils or pastels? Oils, I'm not a big fan of pastels....
25. black and white or color? Black and white
26. big words or little? Depends on who I'm talking to actually.
27. stampy markers or regular? regular. Sharpies to be exact.
28. Watsons Mill or Memorial Park? Watsons Mill is awesome. So I choose that.
29. Athens or home? Athens definitely.
30. song: In My Life by the Beatles is my all time favorite but I have lots of others I'm obsessive with
31. music: Anything really...except pop and rap...
32. band/singers: The Beatles, The Radiants, Bob Dylan, Janis Joplin, Black Crowes, etc...
33. smell: Vanilla
34. place to eat: Houcks...haha
35. place to "hang out": Um...Houcks again
36. shoes: My Airwalks...
37. store: Sea Of Timeless
38. website: I don't know...I'll have to think about that one
39. magazine: Anything with lots of pictures
40. soundtrack: Geez...Sister Act 2 right now
41. medicine: um...that stuff you take when you're little. That tastes like bubble gum.
42. veggie: Spinach...but only when its in salads
43. subject: history
44. musical: Grease
45. play: Jesus Christ Superstar
46. actress/actor: Actress: Meg Ryan. Actor: Matthew Perry
47. movies: Too....many.....
48. game: Silent Marco Polo....hahahaha
49. food: Altoids...haha
50. artist: Salvadore Dali
51. book: the Psycho books
52. car: mine...haha
53. sport: I don't dig sports...
54. socks: My orange tie dye ones with the toes
55. way to sleep: on my tummy
56. mood/atmosphere: That feeling you get before a concert starts. When you're standing in a smokey sports bar with your friends
57. Who would i most like to see in concert: Paul McCartney
58. My biggest fear is: Bees!
59. If I had the guts to get a tattoo, what would it be? Beats me...I don't want a tattoo
60. What will the theme of my wedding be? I don't know actually. I think of that when the time comes
61. How would I describe my demeanor? Pretty moody at times, outgoing...sometimes....
62. How many times do I brush my hair? Just once. It dries and I can't brush it cause it'll frizz

That's all the questions. I'm tired now.

