Yoko Quotes!

Things Yoko has said over the years,various subjects.
~*~Maybe we were naive,but we were still honest about everything we did.~*~
~*~I think that John really felt guilty for havng been the man who was not aware of what women went through.~*~
~*~By then it was getting obvious to even the most unworldly couple that the world really didn't want us to work together.........I mean,I could do something as Mrs.Lennon,but I really lost my identity as Yoko Ono..~*~
~*~Imagine crystallized John's dream.It crystallized his idealism.It was something he really wanted to say to the world.~*~
~*~When I think of Ascot I think of us making Imagine......It was a very intense and beautiful time for us.~*~
~*~I feel that both of us are actually doing things to change the world....for the better!~*~
~*~I was an offbeat mother from the beginning.I wasn't always with her,(Kyoko)though there was a spiritual communication between us.But since she disappeared there was a time in my life when John and I would be watching tv and a child would come on the screen....we would switch the channel because I couldn't bear ssing children.Because it reminded me of Kyoko.~*~
~*~Everybody's an artist.Everybody's God,you know.It's just that they're inhibited.~*~

The Ono Zone

Email: btlfreek@hotmail.com