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When I was young
fairy tales filled my mind.
I dreamt of my prince
coming to take me away.
And if I wished on a star,  
my dreams would come true.
and if my heart cried out,
love would save me.

But by growing up,
every tale told became cursed.
There was no prince.
Stars denied my wishes.
And dreams that I dared to dream
never did come true.
Hopes faded
as I became jaded.

Life grew dark.
Life was killing the dream.
But I needed to somehow
keep those precious tales alive.
With each shattered dream,
I grew stronger finding
myself returning to those tales
believing what my heart always knew.
That someday a wish upon a star,  
would come true.

It wasn't until I heard those voices again
of love and hope
Snow White and Cinderella
singing to me familiar songs
where I could begin to dream again,
and live again.
Hope was alive
because of those stories.

If you're told something enough times,
you'll start to believe.
And I did with all my heart
and still do today
even though everyone tells me,
"That only happens in fairy tales!"
The little innocent girl within
refuses to let those tales go.

Author Unknown

Now Playing: "Beauty and The Beast"