I have decided today that if I could go back in time and be any age that I would like to be 6 years old again. I would love to have the responsibilities that I did when I was 6. I want to be able to go to McDonald's and think it's a great restaurant to eat at. I want to play in mud puddles again. I want to think M&M's are better than money. I want to be able to play during recess and paint with watercolors. I want to return to A TIME in my life when EVERYTHING WAS just SIMPLE. A time when all you needed to know was your colors, how to add, and simple nursery rhymes. I want to be 6 again because that is a time when all you KNEW WAS TO BE HAPPY because you didn't know all the things that would worry you. When you are 6, you think the WORLD IS FAIR and that EVERYONE in it IS HONEST and GOOD. An age when you believe ANYTHING was POSSIBLE. Somewhere in my younger days, I matured and learned too much. I learned of war, lies, unhappy marriages, illness, pain and death. What happened to the time, we thought that everyone would live forever because when we were 6 we couldn't grasp the concept of death??? An age when we thought the worst thing in the world was if someone took the jump rope away from you. I want to be an age in life when I became OVERLY EXCITED about the LITTLE THINGS in life. I want to be 6 again, when I thought everyone was happy because I was. An age when I didn't have to worry about time, bills, or anything. I want to LIVE SIMPLE again. I want to be an age when I believed in the POWER OF SMILES, HUGS, KIND WORDS and DREAMS. I WANT TO BE !!! |