Everyday I live a lie.
Putting on a show for those I meet.
With a smile on my face,
I deny my true feelings.
Acting as if all is well,
when actually the opposite is true.
Nobody notices how pre-occupied I am.
Nobody sees the pain in my eyes.
Nobody hears my cries.
Nobody cares.
People say life goes on.
Perhaps they are right,
but my mind wanders
back to when we first connected.
Back to the past my mind says,
Whereas my heart says,
I'm torn between the past
and the present.
The past where you were,
and the present where you are not.
I'm not sure if I should go back
or whether I should move forward.
Until I find an answer,
I'll never be all here.
My body will move forward,
but my MIND and HEART
will stay behind.
Behind where YOU are.
So I guess for now,
I will have to live in "Silent Agony"
since you are not here with me.
10th, September 1999