Now Playing: Grief and Lyme
Yesterday I lost my 13 year old Shih Tzu, Nikki, to heart failure.
Those of you who have long term Lyme will probably already know how a loss, or any kind of sudden change really, can affect our health. For those of you who are new to the world of Lyme, I can tell you that all of your symptoms will get worse and some new ones may crop up.
It's important to be a little more gentle on yourself when life has thrown you a curve. Rest a little more, push a little less.
It's been a tough last few weeks. I lost two friends within a week of each other, and now my dog too. I have another beautiful dog (see the Meet Murphy link on my home page) who is also grieving, and so is my husband. Three years ago today he lost his mother to complications of congestive heart failure.
I will end this now because Murphy is reminding me that it's past our nap time. Please be kind to one another and give your pet an extra treat and a pat. You just never know what tomorrow may bring.