Sandy's Nut House


Not that all of you are interested in who I am, and what I am...but here tis....

The Head Nut is a 56 year old woman, single, overweight, brown hair (sprinkled with gray) and brown eyes (blind in one, can't see out of the other), fairly intelligent and normally a very private person.
Sister of one brother, three sisters, all younger.
Mother of one son, three daughters.  Though many more call me "Mom".
Grandmother of two boys, and four girls.  All very smart and beautiful, of course.
Education and occupations...well here we go in a million directions...
Life is the main educational source,  only the "WANT" to know has triggered the formal education process, not the desire for a piece of paper called a degree.  Studies have included but are not limited too;
chemistry (my main occupation is encompassed here),
process engineering, (what makes it tic)
substance abuse counseling, (why do they)
social diversity in relationships, (how do they)
art (I love to paint),
history (I love to learn from the past in order to improve the future),
genealogy (the love of family has prompted this study)
computers (both hardware and software)
this was necessary in order to stay up to date and still stay within my budget.  I can now take apart, add, take away from and up grade most any computer.
Personality Flaws, to numerous to mention but include;
perverted sense of humor
'pig' headed (my way or no way)
conceited (how could there possibly be a better way than my way).
impatient (NOW and of course, MY way)
Interests and hobbies
Publication of the SNH News,
the constant up-dating and revamping of Sandy's Nut House web site.
NOW ...more than you wanted to know, huh???


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