Well I am still the one, the only host of Heaven's Metal. However there is a new "LOUD" show on right before myself called "The White-Death Core Hour" hosted by Mr. Hardcore. The show is formerly known as "Hardcore Lullibies." It *was* just a hardcore based show. Now it is so much more with Mr. Hardcore back once again(he was one of the previous hosts for the show). He plays a mix of death metal, hardcore, black metal and any other form of extreme music that he has at hand. He doesn't have access to the internet so if you'd like to contact him you can do so by using the address below. Just put address your envelope ATTN: Mr. Hardcore. Please do not send him music, that is to be send only to myself since the producer.
Now if you do want to send music for airplay, here is the way you should address your package for the produecer.