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God, in Love, looked down upon a weary world
And saw a need that only he could fill.
His chosen people, disconsolate, cast down,
Their hopes at lowest ebb, rejoicing stilled.

How long the years since voice of Prophet spoke!
Yet souls cried out for God to send
To all chafing 'neath the hated Roman yoke,
A Redeemer, to set free Israel's proud men.

Amid the turmoil of that hour there came
Out of Nazareth to busy Bethlehem town,
A lowly carpenter, Joseph, and maiden, Mary by name,
Simple folks, but touched by God's own hand.

Searching for an Inn there was no room,
No place of lodging could be found.
To, from the stable, lowing of cattle,
In weariness they turned to the welcome sound.

And there amid God's friendly creatures,
On a star-studded night in Bethlehem town,
A babe was born ~ Saviour, Redeemer,
While man and beast humbly bowed down.

For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord ~ Luke 2:11

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