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The Diary of a Bible



JANUARY 15 - I've been resting quietly for a week. The first few nights after New year's Day my owner read me regularly. But now I guess I've been forgotten.

FEBRUARY 24 - I got out to Sunday School today and my owner used me for family devotions.

APRIL 10 - I was dusted today and put on the center table in the living room. Special company was here, but now I'm back on the shelf again.

MAY 12 - Busy day. My owner had to lead a lesson at church. Had quite a time finding me, and then hunted and hunted to find the texts he needed.

JUNE 5 - I'm in grandma's lap. She's here on a visit. She let a tear fall on Colossians 2:5- 7 when Paul praised the believers for living in Jesus.

JUNE 9 - In grandma's lap again. I've been here every day. It is such a comfort to be appreciated and loved.

JUNE 10 - Grandma is gone and I'm back in the same old place. She kissed me before she left.

JULY 4 - Had a couple of 4-leaf clovers stuck in me today.

AUGUST 1 - Packed in a suitcase with clothes. Off on a vacation, I guess.

AUGUST 7 - Still in the suitcase.

AUGUST 15 - Home again and on the shelf. Not sure why he took me along.

OCTOBER 18 - Pastor visited today, so I was put on the center table in the living room.

NOVEMBER 10 - Was brought to church today and held up to be counted.

DECEMBER 16 - Dusted off today but not opened. Wish grandma would come and visit again.

DECEMBER 31 - Today I was used at the dinner table. Each member of the family was blindfolded in turn and put a finger on a "good luck" verse for the new year Everyone was quiet when my owner's finger landed on Hosea 4:6 "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being My priest. Since you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children."

Dear Friends,
If your Bible could talk, what would it say about you? Would it be wishing that Grandma would be coming for a visit? Would it be coughing because of all the dust it had been collecting? God sent us his Word in the form of a Bible to show us how to be like his precious son. Are you reading your Bible daily or is it put up only to be brought out for special occasions? What ever your problem might be, God has a cure for it and it is found between the pages of Genesis and Revelation. When used properly (one dose daily)we will feel like a new person. So get your old friend out and get to know him better. God Bless You!

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