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Christmas 2005

Dear Patty,

The year was 1945. I was a young bride, with my husband in the U.S. Army. Christmas was just around the corner, and a baby due within a month.

I lived with my mother, and we were both excited about the baby. With my small allotment check each month, I had purchased a crib and chest. I also had bought a few toys for her for Christmas.

When I was shopping I saw the small nativity set. The price was 69 cents. I had nothing in our room to show it was Christmas. The nativity set became our family's first Christmas decoration.

As the years went by I added more pieces to it. I doubt if there is even $5.00 invested in it. But it has been the most beloved of all my Christmas decorations.

The original nativity scene was just a shed with Mary, Joseph and the wee babe. The shed is made of cardboard and has been glued back together with popsicle sticks and glue many times. I have had the money to buy a new one, but it would not mean the same. I have picked up a new piece every year that would cost 8-10 cents each to go with the original piece. To me it is beautiful.

When I hear one of the children ask, "Where is baby Jesus," my heart swells with love. I know they also feel the wonders of God's gift filling all our hearts.

I'm in a nursing home now, so this will be the last year I will start my Christmas holidays sharing the wee babe with my friends and family. It will now go to my daughter whom it was purchased for 60 years ago. It did a wonderful job for the last 60 years and now it will be your turn to share it with your family and friends.


Many times throughout the years I've asked my mother if I could replace that dilapidated nativity set but her answer was always "NO! I like it just fine." I am so thankful that she never gave into me because now it belongs to me and I know the love that went into it when she first bought it and the different times she had to try and repair it to keep it standing. I have my own nativity set that is worth several hundred dollars but it doesn't compare to the little 69 cent one that touches my heart. Thank you Mom.