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What would a homepage titled
be like without a page on angels?

Do not forget to entertain strangers,
for by so doing some people have entertained angels
without knowing it.
Hebrews 13:2

"Whisper of Angel Wings"

Today I stumbled and once again
Was lifted up by an unseen hand.
What comfort and joy that knowledge brings,
For I hear the whisper of angel wings.

The guardian angels God sends to us all
To bear us up when we stumble and fall.
Trust Him, my friend, and often you'll hear
The whisper of angel wings hovering near.

For he will command his angels
concerning you
to guard you in all your ways.
Psalms 91:11

Yes, I do believe in angels and in the following paragraphs I will try and explain why I do.

There is no doubt in my mind that I am here for a reason. I have come close to death so many times but there has been something there to prevent my death. I feel that the Lord has sent his angels to protect me and at other times to tell someone that I was in trouble.


As a child, around the age of seven, I remember going to the lake with my family for a picnic. I remember we were playing in the water at the very edge when a motor boat came by and the undercurrent started pulling me out to the deep water. No one realized what was happening. I kept trying to wade back to the shore when all of a sudden I lost my footing. I knew I was going to drown. The next thing I remember was strong arms lifting me out of the water and taking me to shore. When it was all done and over with I began to question my family about who carried me out of the water. They saw no one! To this day they can't explain what happened. But I can! My angel had very strong arms.


My mother and a friend were traveling home on I77 when a figure with long hair and a flowing white gown seem to appear to the side of the road beside the car they were traveling in. They become very upset and pulling off the road they felt they needed to pray. But pray about what was the question. Mother realized that I was in trouble and I needed prayer to keep me alive. So they began to pray. Finally a peace came over them and the figure disappeared as mysteriously as it had appeared. Later my mother would receive a call from me telling her I had almost bled to death because of an ectopic pregnancy.


Before finding out I had MS, I became very depressed and even thought about taking my life. I seemed to be two totally different people. One minute I was a sweet, loving person and the next minute I was a very hateful and uncaring, and evil person. I felt like I was going crazy.

I couldn't handle the way I was becoming. I had taken an overdose of pills, got a gun and headed down the road to put an end to all the misery I was causing everyone. As I pulled off the highway I realized that it would be several days before anyone found me. By the time my body was found I could just imagine how all the animals might have started eating my flesh. That thought brought me to my senses. I couldn't do that to my family.

At that moment I knew the Lord had other plans for me. I began to pray and ask him to get me home and I would get help. By now I was fighting to keep awake. Starting down the road I looked in my rear view mirror and noticed a state police car was following me. Oh God, I prayed, don't let him pull me over with this gun in my lap and drugged out of my mind. My prayers were answered. As I came within a mile of my house I noticed a county deputy was following me. He followed me right up to my driveway. I was caught and I knew I was going to jail.

Getting out of the car I turned to speak to him with tears in my eyes. He wasn't there. No one was. It was then that I realized the Lord had answered my prayers and was giving me another chance. He had sent his angels to protect me, and those on the road with me. There is no other reason for me to get home safely without causing an accident.


Because of my MS, I have a tendency to fall often which has kept my house angel very busy. Some of my falls have been very serious but my body would never show that I had had a bad fall. No bruises, no headaches and no broken bones. All I remember is falling backwards and feeling as if someone caught me and lowered me to the ground. I was unconscience for several minutes but had no after effects from the fall. But my refrigerator did! There was a large dent in the door where my head must have hit as I fell.

Another time I remember being in the bathroom. I had been standing by the tub when I lost my balance and fell backwards into the tub. Once again I remember feeling someone getting behind me and breaking my fall. When I came to, I was laying on my back in the tub with my legs hanging over the side and once again, no bruising, no pain and no broken bones. Once again my angel broke my fall.


These are just a few of the times that I felt God had sent his angels to keep watch over me. The next time you feel a present but you can't see them, remember they may be one of God's angels watching over you. Do I believe in angels? Yes, I do believe in angels!!

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