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How many times have you witnessed a miracle but never realized it? If you're like me, miracles happen around you all the time and you don't acknowledge them because your mind is on things of the world.


I would like to share a miracle that recently occured in my life. But first I need to go back over the last few years and then bring you up to the present.


I was diagnosed with Multiple Scerosis about 16 years ago and every time something would happen to me I blamed it on my MS. I would MS was acting up; I'd drag my leg...MS again; I'd feel really tired and wanted to sleep around the clock...has to be my MS.


In 2003 my father was in the hospital and I was trying to spend as much time as I could with him. I started having problems with my back which I naturally blamed on my MS. Eventually I had to have back surgery for a herniated disk in 2003. The first time the doctor met me he said, "I can't believe you were able to walk in to the examination room as bad as your back is. It's a miracle that you can do anything."


Well I had my surgery and I did great. I just brushed off what the doctor had said about it being a miracle.


In 2005 I had to have gall bladder surgery. Once again the doctor couldn't believe how bad it was but yet I felt fine. Another miracle in progress that I ignored.


After surgery I quit breathing while in the recovery room so they put me in ICU and observed me until the next day. I felt fine. Later that day they released me to go home.


After being home for a couple of hours I asked my husband to help me get up so I could go to the bathroom. I was feeling great or at least I thought I was.


As he helped me into a standing position I felt my legs growing weak. I was falling. He eased me down to the floor. We finally called 911 because he couldn't get me out of the floor.


When the ambulance got here my oxygen level was 60 and still dropping. I really didn't think I needed to go to the hospital but they made me go. I still didn't realize anything was wrong.


At the hospital I had nurses and doctors hovering around me asking all sorts of questions. They admitted me to CCU. It turned out I had a large amount of blood clots in my right lung.


This is where I heard about another miracle. The doctor said I should have died in my husband's arms. But God had other plans for me. He still had work for me to do before I am to leave this world.


So do I believe in miracles? I sure do. I'm a walking miracle!

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