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So you want to know about my angel friend. Well you have come to the right place. Her name is Karen and here on earth we have known each other for about eight years although it seems like I have know her forever. Karen is always saying that we began our friendship in Heaven before we were ever born and it has taken almost a lifetime to find each other here on earth.

My mother always told me that I was a perfect little angel when I was small and I bet if you'd ask Karen's mom she would say the same thing about Karen. So when I decided to do a page about my friend I decided that we had to have angels to represent us because we were so aweet and cute when we were small. (Gee that sounds like my mom laughing or is that Karen's mom?)

I met Karen at Immanuel Baptist Church in Princeton, WV. She was visiting for the first time and God laid it on my heart to go over and introduce myself. Little did I know that because of this we were to become great friends. God does work in mysterious ways. Normally you would have never picked the two of us to be friends. But God had other plans.

I was married with two grown children and 4 grandchildren. Karen was much younger and was single. We had nothing in common. But like I said God had other plans for become best friends.

My children had moved away to another state and Karen's family also lived in another state. At first she was like the daughter that I was missing and I was the mother that she was missing. We filled a void in each others lives. We knew that we couldn't replace my daughter or her mom but at least the void was filled to a point in our lives. As our friendsip grew we became even closer... Sisters-in-Christ.

Karen has been a blessing to me. She always seems to know when my spirits need to be lifted up. You see I have MS and in the last few years it has taken a toll on me. I no longer drive and I wear a brace and use a cane. Karen is always there to encourage me when I start feeling sorry for myself.

She is always calling me to go some where with her. Some times I think she makes up excuses just to get me out of the house. When we can't get out she calls me or chats with me on the computer. There has been times she has picked up lunch and brought it to me when I couldn't get out because of the weather or my MS was flairing up.

I could go on and on about how she cries with me when I'm having a bad day or just listens to me as I complain about some dumb little thing that I have blown way out of proportion. She never judges me...just loves me back into a good mood.

Now do you see why I call her my "Angel Friend"? I hope everyone reading this page will be blessed by a friend like Karen. She truly is a Blessing from Heaven. Remember how I say that God works in mysterious ways? Well He does. Mine and Karen's friendship proves it.


by Rosebud

A spirit, a beacon
To shine through the night
To guide you to safety
through many a plight;
And sounding through your darkness
Clear as a bell
The voice of the person
Who is your angel.
A rose, 'midst the weeds
Of grief and of pain
Reminding you that someday
Things will be all right again,
And like hot chocolate
On a chill winter day
They warm up your soul
And spirit all the way,
Someone chosen just for you
Above all the rest
For this is the one
who can do the job best
To pierce through your darkness
And spread warmth and light
A reminder of beauty
Setting sorrow to flight
You have been chosen
And also have they
To be each other's angels
And guide through life's way.

To find out more about my friend why not visit her homepage and be sure and sign her guestbook.


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