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The Lord has been so good to us by blessing us with six healthy grandchildren. Our first little angel, Alyssa, came to us in 1988 and she has long blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes. She has graduated from high school and plans on becoming a nurse. She like to sing, draw, and act (theater). She has a part time job and plans on going to college.

The next little angel was our first grandson, Jacob. He is a blue eyed, blonde haired young man. Jacob is graduating this year. He will be attending college this fall. He likes to play video games and he likes to work with computers (taking stuff apart and putting it back together just for fun).

Our number three angel is a granddaughter. I suggested her name teasingly to my daughter. The other two had been named after members on their daddy's side of the family so I suggested naming her Tricia Lynn after Granny Pat and Papa Barry on her mom's side of the family. Tricia has long curly blonde hair and the biggest blue eyes. She is in the ninth grade and plays the flute and is 1st chair in band.

Our fourth angel was another grandson. Joshua has sandy colored hair and blue eyes and is in the sixth grade. He loves to play video games and will spend hours playing them.

Our fifth little angel is from our son and his wife. Austin is in fourth grade this year and has blonde hair and the biggest blue eyes. She is a very happy child and loves teasing her brother. She does great in school.

Our sixth little angel belongs to our son and his wife. Logan was born on July 14th (a day before Papa's Birthday) and has blonde hair and blue eyes. He started first grade this year. He lives to play video grams.

As you can see, the Lord has truly blessed us with six beautiful ANGELS from above. And best of all...the first four grandchildren know our Lord and are serving him and the fifth one is asking about him. PRAISE GOD!

Children's children are a crown to the aged and parents are the pride of their children.

Pro. 17:6


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