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She had roses,
Proudly they stood in her front yard,
Orange, red, pink and yellow too,
Strong twigs get delicate fragrance,
So many bushes with so many flowers,
Their bed framed by red bricks,
With healthy green leaves and colorful petals
They stood without stooping,

She had roses,
Proudly they stood in her front yard,
Orange, red, pink and yellow too,
With morning dew they would shine,
Petals delicately dancing in the wind,
The wonder of God reviled in so intricate a flower,
A tiny had crafted piece of art,
Just one of God’s many mysteries,

She had roses,
Proudly they stood in her front yard,
Orange, red, pink and yellow too,
They were a reflection of her heart,
A heart as strong as it was delicate,
Proudly she stood showing her colors,
With the love of God she did shine,
A handcrafted mystery from our Lord,

She had roses,
Proudly they stood in her front yard,
Orange, red, pink and yellow too,
But now she is gone and so are the roses,
No longer do they stand in their bed lined by brick,
Now they will not shine with morning dew,
Now all that is left is a small memory,
A memory of her and her roses,

She had roses,
Proudly they stood in her front yard,
Orange, red, pink and yellow too,
Just as the Lord has given them; he has taken them away,
But he has given the gift of a memory,
A memory that shall never leave,
For in my heart the roses still stand,
As does the loving heart that tended them,

She had roses,
Proudly they stood in her front yard,
Orange, red, pink and yellow too.

This poem was written by a young lady by the name of Steff for her grandmother who has gone to be with the Lord. I met Steff on the internet and discovered she was a Missionary Kid serving in Mongolia with her parents and sisters. She shared this poem with me and because it was so touching I made this page for her. I hope to find graphics to match the roses her grandmother raised eventually.

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